Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ohhhhhh Yeeeeeeeaaaaah!

Okay, so I was very bored earlier. I was hanging out with my Boyfriend and his guy friends because one of our buddies girlfriend broke up with him this morning. It was very sad and we wanted to cheer him up a bit. Good news, it totally worked! Bad news, for me anyway, cheering Mike up involved an awful lot of playing Magic. -sigh- I was trying to learn for awhile there. I really was, but then everyone stopped trying to teach me because when they play, they want to play fancy games with complicated rules and such instead of going slow and easy with me while I learn. So, because no one wants to teach me any more then I already know, I don't play too much when we get together. Which means that I'm always bored. Today, I had planed to bring my notebook so that I could work on my awesome book while they ignored my existence, buuuut I forgot it. -super fail-

So, Superman got me a random notebook to write in. But I didn't have any of my notes or scenes with me, so I couldn't think of what to work on at all. So, I bothered Stevo. And he told me to write about a chair and paper airplane and a candle. And I'm like.....What the fuck? Instead of working on my book he wanted me to do this like old school writing prompty thing, which I haven't done since I was in, like the 9th grade! Hahaha. But it's not like I had anything else to do. So, what the hell, right? And the resulting story is fantastic! So, I'm going to post it here for all to read! Enjoy.

Oh yea! And Superman introduced Steve to one of his friends by saying the Asian one is Steve, and his Mommy yelled and bitched at him for a good ten minutes after that. Telling him that he was rude and she raised him better and this and that, it was hilarious! And me and Steve both wish that she'd kept going. Hahaha. Now, story time.

Once upon a time, stupid Cordelia made a stupid wish that Buffy had never come to Sunnydale and because he never came to Sunnydale, the place has been overrun by Vampyres! Oh no! And it's all super doofy Anyanka's fault! Silly vengeance Demon! Anyway, Giles who is beyond brilliant, figures out that Anyanka is responsible for all of this madness and he summons her and then he pulls a very sneaky, sneaky Giles move and steals the pendant off her necklace because that pretty, sparkly pendant is the source of her powers. But Giles has got nothing to smash it with! So, he runs next door to the set of Dancing with the Stars, to find Carson and Anna TRABUNSKYA dancing and at the end of the dance, Carson steals Anna's shoe!

So, Giles runs out onto the dance floor and punches Carson in the face and takes the shoe and uses it to smashify the pendant! And then there's an explosion and Sunnydale goes back to normal and everything is back the way that it's supposed to be. Nancy Grace got voted off of Dancing with the Stars five weeks ago, Spikeles has a ponytail, Angel is dead in a coffin somewhere with a stake through his heart and Twilight never happened.

And then Scuba Stevers the Asian Pirate who commissioned this silly rant of a story, takes it and flods it all up into a paper airplane and throws it. And it drifts over a bunch of candles that Superman lighted because it was decided that they wanted some romantic mood lighting while they bored me to death playing Magic all night long. And then the paper airplane with the story that I worked so hard on for him, bursts into flames. Then it lands on the table and sets every one's cards on fire, all of the Magic cards. Burst into flames. Batman, Ben and Creeper burst into tears, while Mike and Superman take turns beating Steve to death with a chair.

And by the time they're done, it looks like Steve is gonna die! And then I start to cry because he never even told me what he thought about my story and I'd probably miss him and stuff. Hahaha. Then before Steve's heart stops beating, Blaise busts into the room by kicking through the wall like the Kool Aid Man!
And he feeds the bloody Steve Cakes a MAGICAL TWIX BAR! That's right, not a regular Twix Bar, but a MAGICAL TWIX BAR!
And then, he's fine! Steve's fine. Totally fine! Or is he.........?

Suddenly Steve turns green! And Scuba Steve the Asian Pirate becomes Scuba Steve the Asian ZOMBIE Pirate, because feeded him the wrong MAGICAL TWIX BAR! Oh no! And then we all scream and run away. Everyone except Blaise that is. Blaise, who whips out a shot gun from conceivably nowhere an panic fires all over everything but hits nothing except MICHELLE RODRIGEUZ's leg, because his aim is beyond horrible. And when did MICHELLE RODRIGEUZ get here anyway?!

Because Blaise just shot her in the leg! So, in response to this brutal maiming of one of my favorite lesbians, I bust out my Henshin Wand and Transform into Super Sailor Jupiter! "Secret identity be damned! Jupiter Star Power!" (Didn't you know that I was a Sailor Senshi? Jupiter's my profile picture for a reason! lol) Anyway, Blaise gives his shot gun to Superman because Superman actually knows how to use one properly and then he helps MICHELLE RODRIGEUZ run away with everyone else. All the while she's swearing like a trucker and he's apologizing continuously.

Then I use my SUPREME THUNDER DRAGON on Zombie Steve the Pirate. And Mikeles points out that my skirt goes up when I do that and he can see my panties, so I punch him for looking.

Then! While Mike is bleeding profusely from his facial region, we all realize that my SUPREME THUNDER DRAGON didn't work on Zombie Stevers the Pirate, so I try again. Still nothing! Sparkling Wide Pressure?

Nope. Oak Evolution?

But why isn't it working?! .....BECAUSE STEVE'S A ZOMBIE NOW! WHY WOULD ELECTRICITY WORK ON HIM?! HE'S DEAD!! So, once again, we all scream. Then we run and hide behind the barn. I crouch down and peak around the corner so that I can see what Zombie Steve is up too over there while we think of a sneaky plan. But nobody is thinking of a plan! And while I am watching Zombi Steve, everyone starts asking MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ for her autograph and such, but she ignores them because she's too busy checking out my ass and epic thighs in this TEENY TINY MINISKIRT!! -Roy Mustang-

And then she blushes cause I'm hott. Hahaha.

THEN! The horror continues as Zombie Steve screams and raises an army of evil child sized skeletons!! And that is terrifying! Beyond terrifying! Not only has the MAGICAL TWIX BAR given him evil zombie powers, but have you ever seen a child/baby's skeleton?!

They're extra scary looking!
And why are there so many children's skeletons under Superman's house anyway?! Thankfully, before we can really panic or decide what to do about this or anything, LL Cool J stomps onto the scene riding a T Rex and the vicious T Rex and destroys the Zombie Steve's entire evil child skeleton army. Because apparently evil child skeleton armies make dinosaurs rage.

Then Steve eats LL Cool J's flesh,
because he's pissed off that LL Cool J lived while Samuel L. Jackson died in Deep Blue Sea.
And then the T Rex catches Zombie Virius from Stever Cakes. So, Zombie Steve the Pirate lost his evil child skeleton army, but now he's got a giant Zombie Dinosuar to ride around on. So, it's all good.

Except that Zombie Steve now has a Zombie T Rex! So, we retreat again. TO THE BATMOBLIE?!
And Batman drives like a maniac. But the car is just not going fast enough! So, Mike presses the little red button and the car starts flying around like a Bat out of Hell. lol And then, we decide to pull a Raccoon City and blow up Superman's entire farm in order to kill Steve and his evil Zombie T Rexinator. And we succeed in killing the T Rex but not Zombie Steve, who's still running on the power of Blaise's MAGICAL TWIX BAR, and instead of dying, Zombie Steve grows 50 times his size and gets all giant!! LIKE STEVEZILLIA!!! A ZOMBIE STEVEZILLA?! OH THE HORROR!!?!!!! Then Blaise, who must have watched Godzilla recently, has the brilliant idea to lure Giant Zombie Stevo the Pirate Cakes to a suspension bridge so that he'll get all tied up in the cables and we can trap him!
Even though I'm pretty sure that in reality that would never ever work. Hahaha. Anyway! It's brilliant and conveniently enough, there's a suspension bridge not to far from where Superman's farm used to be! Let's do it?!

But how to we lure him over there?! W have to get him to follow us!! But hooooow!!!?!!! Then Mike's like boobs and points at me and I'm like, no. Not gonna happen. And then I'm like Mila Jovich?! Then we look around, but she hasn't randomly appeared in the Batmoblie. DAMN!! And then MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ is like, I know! Let's make out! And then she kisses me!! And Batman's like HEY! And I'm like what?! And then she's like guys like to watch girls make out with each other because their disgusting pigs! So, we make out. And then Mike's like, hooootttttt. And Blaise is like ......Zombie Stevezillia isn't looking this way guys. And MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ is like, but he might! And Blaise is like, nah. He's too busy trashing what's left of Superman's farm. Plus, he couldn't see you guys in the car even if he were looking this way. And then finally I'm like, hold up! He's a Zombie now! Zombie don't care about girls or lesbians or anything like that! They're fucking zombies!!?!!! And then I look at MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ and I'm like, you sneaky bitch. That was just an excuse to snog me wasn't it? And once again, she looks embarrassed.

Because it totally was just an excuse to make out with me!! Hahaha

So, once again we have no plan. And we're thinking what would lure a Giant Zombie to walk to his Zombified Dooooom? Well all they care about is food. So....CANDY?! The answer is so simple! And then there is a lot of flailing about in the car for a minute or so, then Batman uses the cars cloaking device to turn the Batmoblie into a MOST GIANT BAG OF SOURPATCH KIDS?!
And we use it to lure Zombified Stevezillia to the suspension bridge and then we blow up all the cables and he gets all trapped inside and my dearest darlingest friend Washu of Tenchi Muyo, creates a super sciencey serum and uses it to shrinkify Zombie Steve the Pirate, back to his normal size. But she can't figure out how to cureificate him! Ohhhhh! Too bad! Sad tiems!

So, what do we do with Steve now? Weeeeelllllll, I decided to put him on a leash! So, now I can take Zombie Steve for walks and to Anime Boston and make him play video games with me and we can be bestest best Zombie Buddies ever! An we'll watch Zombie movies together and eats monkey's brains for dinner! Even though it is Cantonese Cuisine and not popular in American nomz.
And then.... Ummmm, me and MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ fall in love. Because in the future when me and Batman got married, we had an evil little demon child with red eyes and pink hair and it travelled back in time to met us in the past before we were married and it gave Batman a heart attack and he died.
Then I killed the little demon child where it stands because it was evil! I mean, she's got red eyes and she gave my boyfriend a heart attack! EEEEEVVVVVVVIIIIIIILLLLLL?!! Like Damien!
Except more evil!

So, yea. Me and MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ fall in love and she becomes Sailor Mercury! Like a bad ass... Hispanic... Sailor Mercury, instead of a tiny, Japanese bookworm? Yea... That's totally what happened.... AND FUCK YOU CANNON SAILOR MOON PAIRINGS?! MERCURY AND JUPITER FOREVAAAAAAAAR?! AND EVAAAAARRRR!!!?!!!


Anyway, Stevers laughed pretty hard at this! I hope that you liked it too! I might post it on Deviant Art as well, just for the lol'z. Hahaha. Annnnnnd, I've got nothing relevant to the purpose of this blog to say here. So, toodles!
Love ya!
-Lita Kaye

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Guess You Better Go and Get Your Armor

It's War Time!
Hells yes!
Oh, how I have not been looking forward to writing all of this.
Did you know that despite being a skilled martial artist and total bad ass, that I absolutely suck at writing Battle Scenes? .....Well, it's true! But I must to try anyway, because my plot line demands it! Hahaha. Anyway, this is going to be a post about battle strategy!

Okay! So, you all know how in movies such as Lord of the Rings and Timeline, (<3) that when two groups meet in battle what they do is line up on opposite sides of the Field facing each other with their catapults and archers and whatever behind them and everybody charges into battle at basically the same time, they meet in the middle and fight to the deaths! Well, I've decided that that's how I'm going to set this war up, because it fits the "time period" that I'm going for with this book. And I find it to be pretty cool. Hahaha.

Now, the question is, how do I position everyone within the lines? From the way I see it, I have two options here. One, segregate everyone into groups. RoQuero soldiers on the left, Rayet's warriors on the right, Zarius in the middle. Or two, Leaders and the Royal Family in the middle, soldiers all mixed in together in the lines. I think that either could work.

However! I thought of something else. Aiden and Hiroshi are worried about their precious children! Eclipse had sworn to the King that he will protect Emma, and now he's her personal guard, which is all well and good. But what about Angel and Fiore? I think that they should have guards too. But not just any guards will do! This is the Prince and Princess of Zarius we are talking about here! Heirs to the Throne! So, the logical choice in my mind would be to pair Fiore with Blaise, because they're buds. And Angel with Andromina, because they've fought together in the past. But then that creates a problem with option one, because if I use Blaise and Andromina as protectors and then segregate the groups, then that means that I have to separate the Royal Family. So, I don't know.

 Option One: A
-Royal Family all clustered together
-Armies segregated

Blaise.........Emma, Eclipse, Fiore, Angel.......Andromina
Aiden, Hiroshi

Option One: B
-Royal Family separated
-Armies segregated

Fiore, Blaise.....Emma, Eclipse.....Andromina, Angel
Aiden, Hiroshi

Option Two
-Royal Family spread out a bit, but not separated
-Armies merged together

.....................RoQuero, Zarius, Rayet.....................
Aiden, Hiroshi

Personally, I lean towards Option One: B, or Option Two. I feel like Aiden is very paranoid about his brother, and since he knows that Kerian is going to come straight for him and Hiroshi, that he wouldn't want his children too close to him because it would put them in too much danger. But on the other hand, he probably would want them close to him, so that he could keep an eye on them and make sure that they're safe. I'm not entirely sure which of those feelings would be the strongest, but personally I lean toward spreading them out at least a little bit. Let me know what you think.

Oh! And while we're talking about comments and input. I would like to say to Wolf, Layfon and Damien, that you all suck. I talked to each one of you the other day and you all promised that you'd start helping me more because this book means a lot to me. And guess what? None of you have. -_-"

May I ask what the damned point of reading my blog is, when you refuse to help me when I ask for an opinion? Seriously....

In other news, I showed a little old woman that I like to talk too at the gym, that picture of me and Alice Cooper on my phone and she looked at it and said, well that's you. Who's this, your boyfriend? Hahaha! I nearly died laughing! Alice is old enough to be my Grandpa! It was so funny.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Got Those Moves Like Jagger?




Carson stole her shoe at the end of this dance <3
How in the hell did America let Carson get voted off Dancing with the Stars last night?!
Personally, I am a bit outraged about this.
Carson is fantastic!
Granted, he's not the best dancer there is.
But he's better then some of the people on that show!
-cough, cough- Nancy the Judge Lady -cough-
And twice as entertaining!
He most definately shouldn't have been voted off.
And right before Broadway week?!
What the fuck were you thinking America!?!!!
I wanted to see Carson do the Tango: Maureen...
I'm very disappointed in all of you.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Robo-Hunchback of Notre Bot

Yes, I did seriously just type that. It's a good title, right? Somebody should make that movie. Hahaha. Has anyone else noticed that I appear to spam the hell out of commas when I post here? This is another of those things that I've just noticed that I wonder if anyone else has ever noticed about me and if they have, how come no one ever comments on them?

Anyway, earlier today I was thinking that I should ask my friend to draw a chibi chinchilla for me. But then I realized that chinchilla's are basically chibi's already! Hahaha. Dontchu think? They're all small and round with itty bitty little faces that are all cute and fluffty puffty and stuff. lolololololololol

Good news, I've gotten back in touch with a bunch of friends that I lost the numbers of since they reset my phone. Which is good. Bad news, my Biology teacher is a dick munching bastard face. He is so mean! And I'm afraid that I'm gonna fail my first test, because I just took the pretest online and none of the anwsers to those questions were in my notes! What the hell am I supposed to do now?! I've been freaking out for the past hour and apprently no one has time to talk me down! Layfon's too busy to try and make me feel better. Wolf's at Karate. I'm feeling very alone right now... So, I'm sitting in my back room blasting "Poison" on repeat because it has a strangely calming effect on me and I honestly think that it's the only thing that's keeping me from crying right now...

One look could kill,
My pain, your thrill...
I wanna love you but I better not touch,
I wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stop,
I wanna kiss you but I want it too much,
I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous

How could anyone not love that song? It's fantastic and amazing.

Um, on another note, why is Tumbler or whatever more popular then Blogs all of a sudden? From what I can tell it's just a random site to post pictures on in a Blog like format. There's not much text involved in the posts that I've seen. Which I would find annoying, I think.

Relavent information, you ask? Sure why not. I got something for you.

-My writers block has finally subsided!

-I've decided to invent a younger brother for Blaise. I will have them both survive the attack and escape into the woods and then they'll get lost and Blaise's brother will die, not because of something Blaise did, but from like hypothermia or something because it's winter time. And I'm gonna use his Brother's super traumatic death and like the sight of him getting buried and stuff like that as the cause of Blaise's amnesia. Because I think that it makes more sense, ya know? Blaise is tough, so I was thinking that he needed something a little more to happen to him in order to traumatize him to that extreme.

So now, when Lucian finds young Blaise in the woods, he's going to be dirty and bloody and malnurioushed and half frozen to death, catatonic and clinging to his little brother's lifeless body. Then the story from there on remains the same for Blaise.

-And my Blog's spell check doesn't appear to be working at the moment.... -sigh-

-The only other relavent information that I have for you guys pretaining to my story is that I am once again considering changing some names around! Hahaha. No wonder you guys are always confused about what character I'm talking about, I change someone's name like every six months! But I must find the perfect name! -determined-

Today's possible name change victim is little girl! Currently her name is Serena. Cutesy little dragonette with short pink and black hair and light blue eyes. Hehehe. She's so cute! Anyway, I was considering changing her name to Lilliana. And before you say anything, it's not because of Magic!! Lilliana is a real name, it's in my baby book and I have always been a fan of it. Okay, so don't bother with the snarky remarks. (You know who you are. -glare- I am in no mood for your crap.) 

So, Lilliana. It's very pretty and feminine and whatever. And I also think that Lilliana and Zareck sound pretty good together. It works with our last name too, Lilliana Deimos. Sounds pretty good. But there is a problem with this! Aiden's twin sister's name is Lily. And I don't like that. They're too similar to each other and I don't approve. So, if I change Serena's name, I have to change Lily's too. Now, I could easily just switch them up and have Serena be my Aunty. Aiden and Serena, Serena and Aiden Radic sounds just as good as anything else to me.

So, tell me what you think or not. Same as always. I'll probably just wind up making the choice by myself anyway. -shrug-
-Lita Kaye

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ringle Dingle Dingle

Hello Blog!
Loyal Fans.
-nod, nod-
I just realized that it's been nearly a month since the last time that I posted here!
And I will be staying this tiiiiiiiiiime.
-musick starts playing-
In the back of your wagons my men will all hide-
Getting carried away there for a second.
Gary Oldman <3
And what's with this annoying centered text thing?
I do this alll the bloody time!
And not one person has ever said anything to me about it.
Seems a little silly if you ask me.

Now, onto business! Today's business? There is no business!! I literally don't think that I have one single relevant thing to say to all of you... 1, 2, 3, 4! 4 people who actually read this blog. And do you know why that is? It's because ever since school started, I have had writers block! Damn yoooooooooooou Massasoit! I'm trying to force myself to write anyway because I've broken writers blocks like that in the past, but so far it's not working and I haven't written a sentence worth reading in two months! Which is pathetic. -frowny face- Still, I'm confident that it's just a matter of time before my brain cavity stops being a raging tard monkey!!

Let's see, what can I ramble about today? Well, the other day I went to lunch with a friend that I haven't hung out with just him and me in a looong while. That was kind of cool. I was thinking that should my talent ever return to me that I should write about that for my fabulous Almost Autobiography-type short stories, because we talked about my ex boyfriends and his girlfriend and such.

Apparently, my ex boyfriend and the bitch that was trying to steal him from me, were telling him vastly different stories from the way that I remember it. Guess that's to be expected from jack asses and sluts though, huh? My current boyfriend's friends also seem to be telling Mike stories about me that are drastically different from what actually happened as well. But I think that's more because they don't like me that much and think that I'm stealing Layfon from them. Doesn't exactly make me feel loved.... Also, hearing him talk about how great things are with his girlfriend kind of made me sad because I'm a little insecure and Layfon and I just had our first real fight and that sort of thing, so I'm a little worried... But just the same, I think that it should probably be included in the series. Especially if it should ever become a book. Which I highly doubt. But it seems like every person that I've ever asked, likes my "realistic" stories a whoooole hell of a lot more then anything pertaining to my novel. So, who knows?

Oh! And the other day, I got into an argument with a friend about Finding Nemo. A movie which I can't stand by the way! Anyway, we were arguing about the Shark. It's a Great White Shark named Bruce. Now, I am convinced that the named the Shark Bruce because that's what they named the mechanical Shark in Jaws, which I think is one of the greatest movies ever made despite the fact that Sharks are terrifying by the way, after director's lawyer. And he was arguing that it was a reference to Monty Python because Bruce was an British Australian. I'm pretty sure that I was right and he was wrong. But he's one of those people that's annoying to argue with even if it's over something stupid.

Annnnnd I think that I'm getting sick. And if anybody every tried to pull some of that Scare Tactic shit on me, the chances are whoever was "attacking" me would wind up in a body bag. Because I would likely just panic and rip their throats out or possibly even stab them, depending on the availability of a pointed object. Doesn't have to be a knife. As Jason Bourne demonstrated, a ball point pen can be just as effective. Hahaha. It'd be just like that guy that pretends to be a scarecrow on Halloween and then jumps out at somebody and gets punched in the face. Except more violent! Hahahahahahahahaha.

And for my final thoughts in this, a most pointless of posts, I would like to leave you all pondering this question. In a World ruled by a giant Beaver Overlord, what food would never be invented?


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Money Can't Buy Knives

Okay, so is it with creepy, way older guys hitting on me at gas stations? Seriously? Enough already! I was driving Home from Layfon's house real late one night, it was like 2-2:30 in the morning and my car is empty, so I stop to get gas. And just before I finish pumping the gas, this Taxi pulls up and the guy starts talking to me. Like asking where I'm from and crap, and I'm not gonna lie, I thought that he was trying to get directions from me. Then he got weird about it and asked me out for a drink. It's phucking 2 am!?!! And he's like 40. And I'm not 21 yet. So, sketchy much? Ew. Ewwy Ewwy Ew!!!

I would've cut him, but money can't buy knives. -shrug- But if money can't buy knives, then I'm not a hundred percent sure how I came to own so many of them. Hahaha. Oh well! Let's get back to the point of this post. Yes! This post does indeed have a point! In fact, there are at least two of them! Hahaha.

Sooooo, who here has seen Thor? Raise your hands now, so I can see. Not many of you, huh? That's disappointing. If you haven't seen Thor then you should go see it! If only for the sex appeal of the Lightning God. Hahaha. I mean, lookit him!

He's the sex!
Just like Blaise! And myself!
Just kidding.

Anyway, in Thor, Thor has a conversation about how what Queen Amadala calls sciene and what he calls magic are one and the same in his World. And I thought that was really cool. So I was thinking that, just to add yet another scene to my book so that I will never ever finish writing the damned thing, that I should have a similar conversation with Emma and.... somebody! Who? I haven't decided yet. I feel like the most logical choice would be Hiroshi. But Emma and Hiroshi already have a very long one on one/heart to heart about how she wound up on Earth and such. So, then I was thinking maybe Angel. But then I remembered that Angel get's to take Emma on her first tour of the castle and grounds. So, that's kind of a moment. Now, I'm thinking about Aiden.

Can I get a vote on whether this is a good or bad choice? Anyone? Oh! I also need to determine where I am going to put this scene. I was thinking that I should put it just before the scene about her trying to use her powers for the first time. But I'm not sure how I should bring the subject up, since it's not like that would be the first time that she's seen someone use their snazzy Vaikas abilities. So, she can't be like, ohmigod what was that?! -gaspy tiems- Hahaha. So, I guess that I have to work on that one. Let me know if you have any suggestion on how to bring the subject up.

Next subject, Blaise. I bet that you were wondering when the next time I was going to post about Blaise was. Weren't you? Hahaha. Anyway, Blaise's super Vaikas abilities is control over watersh. (That's how my chem professor said water. It was always watersh. And I loveded him so much! Hahaha.) And I have decided that because Blaise is an all powerful water bender and I've already decided to give him the ability to boil people's blood inside their veins, I think that he should have some minor healing abilities. After all, our bodies are what? Like 80 percent water? Why shouldn't he be able to manipulate the water inside our bodies to stimulate natural healing and such to make it heal on it's own faster? I think that he should. And I don't think that I care at all if you all think that that's too lame and Anime-esque. It makes logical sense to me, so I'ma do it. Endo story.

And finally, I would like to inform ya'll that through this blog and posting all the time just so that my pleas for help and opinions could be consistantly ignored by you guys, I have actually figured out and worked out all the details and things that I needed to to make everything flow and make sense. So, unless I decide to add something new to it like I just did or come up with another scene to add in there, I won't have too much to post here anymore. Which got me thinking that perhaps I should start posting actually peices of the story, like I used too. Would anyone be interested in that? ...Would anyone actually help me out and give constructive critisim on the story? Or would this useless progress slowing silence continue? Because I'm too paranoid to post my story online if I'm not going to get actually help with it. Fair warning

And I guess that that's it for right now.
Love ya

And remember, money can't buy knives!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

How You Gonna See Me Now?

So, as those of you who are close to me or are have spoken to me recently would know, I received some very, very awful news Friday night. I won't go into the details of it here, but please keep my friend Ann Dixon and her child in your prayers... It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.

Anyway, Alice Cooper last Saturday night!
This is the canvas thingie that was hung like infront of the stage, so we couldn't see the roadies picking stuff up and putting it down because they are roadies!! Hahaha. ((Like I'd ever forget that song!)) Looks pretty cool don't it?
Oh! And what's this?
A picture of me and Wolf with my little teddy bear, Vincent and my

So, Alice had no opening band on Saturday. And why, you may ask? Because he's ALICE FREAKING COOPER AND HE NEEDS NO OPENING BAND?! THE MAN IS A SHOW ALL BY HIMSELF?! Which, as anyone who's ever seen an Alice Cooper concert will tell you is completely true, I am not baised or exaggerating. Haha. Oh! And unlike a certian Zob Rombie I could mention, Alice does not need to resort to using a bunch of flat screens flashing pictures of boobs on it to distract people from the fact that his music actually blows. Because Alice actually has talent. And that's the truth!

And my phone is retarded. I'm going to trade it in for a new one, like tomorrow. I'm sick of it freaking out on me every two seconds.

Anyway, the first song that he played was The Black Widow, which is one of my favorites ever! It's also why I named my teddy bear Vincent, in reference to Vincent Price who does the intro to The Black Widow. He also sang a couple of my other favorites, but because this was the "Early Years" tour there was very little Steven to be had. Which is a bit saddening. I love Steven!! But Alice made it up to us though by bringing out the Boa Constrictor?! Whoooo! And I say this all the time, if you didn't see either the snake or the black make up at the concert, then you didn't see Alice Cooper. Hahaha. I saw both on Saturday! I even got a picture of him holding the snake.

Now, let's see, what else happened during the concert? Oh, that's right! ALICE PLAYED US A BRAND NEW SONG OFF OF HIS YET TO BE RELEASED NEW ALBUM!!?!! WHOOOOO!! Hehehe. Alice isn't retiring anytime soon Guys. <3
Then, after the show, I got to go back stage and meet Alice Cooper?! That's right, Alice Cooper. My Hero. And guess what? He is the sweetest guy on the planet! You know how sometimes people finally met their Hero's and they wind up being total Tool Boxes or complete Jerks? Well that certianly didn't happen here?! Alice Cooper is the nicest guy that you'll ever meet! I mean, he gave me a hug. That's right. You're jealous, Alice Cooper gave me a hug!

.....I really wish that I thought to get a picture of him hugging me....

And here's one of the pictures of us together!
((I have more pictures of us together too!))
Oh and remember how in my last post, I said that I had spent so much of my life sewing ribbons onto that stupid dress that Alice better tell me that he likes it? No? Of course you don't. You people have the short term memory of a gold fish! Or a gnat or something.... Well anyway, guess what? ALICE DID LIKE MY DRESS?! He told me that it was very pretty and that he felt under dressed sitting next to me. Hahaha. And he autographed literally everything that I had on me. My bag, my tour shirt, the set list, Vincent's tee shirt. Everything! He was so sweet! AND HE GAVE ME A FREAKING HUG?!

I may never get over that. Alice Cooper gave me a hug! <3
I can die happy now. Haha

So, my dress isn't a hundred percent done yet. I've got one or two more ribbons to sew onto it and all of the bead work to do. But even as it is with just the ribbon and that pendant that I sewed to the front, I think that it's a great improvement and I'm already getting compliments on it! So, yay me! I'll post more pictures when it's actually done for reals. But don't expect them anytime soon. I don't own a sewing machiene and I have to do it all by hand which bloooooows! CARPEL TUNNEL NIGHTMARE! Hahaha

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sexy Like a Chocolate Strawberry

Guess what?!
I got my hairz cut todaaaaaaaay?!

I think that it looks super cute tiems. It's short now! Like really, really short. Like you would not believe how much freaking hair I had in my lap by the time she was done cutting. Hahaha. Anyway, it's a bit diffrent then what I've done in the past, and in fact, in fact, I think that I kind of look like Claudia!?!! Which I didn't realize until after she cut it all off, but is super cool. And ironical to boot because I totally chose Claudia to play Me/Emma if my book ever actually became a movie! Hahaha. Isn't that sweeeet? ....I find it amusing anyway.

Oh, and I'd looooove to post some more pictures of Claudia and such to go along with this amazingly interesting post about my super sexy new hairz. Buuuuut, I am on my friend Bryan's Brother's laptop and I don't want to be saving pictures to his computer and I don't trust the internet in general, so, sorry about that Loyal Fans. I guess that ya'll will have to live without some more sexy pictures of Claudia and assorted other things.

Um, anyway, I literaly don't have anything relevant to post about. But my lame ass boyfriend is ignoring me to trade Magic cards and such and Bryan gave me the computer. Hahaha.

Ummmm, let's see anything else I have to say....? Probably not...... Just kidding!!


-insert an epic picture of Alice Cooper here-

I'm going to have him sign my Alice Cooper teddy bear, Vincent. Remember him?

And, um, my hair is so light and short that I keep playing with it like constantly. And wish me much luck in being the one that they pick to go up on stage with Alice during the concert. And Alice Cooper better tell me that my dress is pretty because I've been sewing ribbons on the damn thing to make it prettier for like literally the 20 hours straight. And comment more on legitimate posts in which I ask for your helps. And join my roleplay you lame, lazy bastards. And I really do want World Peace?! Hahaha.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wifi is Short for Winston Finklestein?

So, I come out back to my computer to type up this blog post about cake because I've been procrastinating about writing it and my Mom is watching True Blood and as anyone who knows me would know, Vampire Porn bothers me to no conceivable end. Anyway, so literally as soon as I pull my Blog up, my nose starts gushing blood like a freakin faucet. -_- Super Duper annoying.

Anyway, this is a fabulous post about the cakes that me and my dearest, darlingest Layfon baked together. Yes, you read that right. My boyfriend and I bake together. On a fairly regular basis! And I just thought that I'd show off our amazing culinary skills for all too see! Hahaha

The first time we made cake together it was mostly because Layfon randomly wanted to make cake and our friend Mike's birthday seemed like a perfect excuse to do such a thing. And since we had enough batter to make two, we did just that. One for us and one for Mike. Hahaha.

Layfon decorated this one. Looks a little tardy doesn't it? Haha
I decorated Mike's cake! Do you like my shooting starfish?
Cloooose up!
This one if from the second time that we made cake together.
I decorated this one!
He's a french smilie face with a little goate and a curly mustache and a unibrow! (Very French)
This one is Layfon's. He used the ENTIRE jar of green suger crystals on that smilie face. And I gave it pupils because I can. Hahaha.
We also burned the hell out of these cakes because Layfon set the oven 150 degrees higher then he was supposed too without realizing it.
This is our most recent cake. The chocolate frosting was really dark so the pictures not the best, but then again we didn't really decorate this one. Layfon just drew a smilie face on it with whatever frosting we had left. Hahaha. Anyway, this was one of my favorite cakes we made together because it's yellow cake with pink in the middle and really dark brown on top. So when you cut into it it looks super funny!

Oh! And in a completely unrelated note, I'm thinking of writing some more short stories for my This is Love, This is Life collection that aren't specifically about relationships. Granted, it would still be a lot of heartbreak because the shorts are based on my life and let's face it, for a reasonably cheerful white suburban middle class college student, I deal with an awful lot of crap. By the way special thanks to all you Jerks out there for breaking my heart, taking sides and abandoning me! (And I'm not just talking about ex boyfriends) I really appercaite it. Really.

Thank God that Claudia gets me.

Anyway, I was just thinking that I should probably do a bit more outside of relationships if not just to add to the This is Life part of the title. But I don't really want this too become a biography. Firstly, because my life is not that interesting. And secondly, because some of the stories I've written for it are in no way true. Like the ones with Blaise in them for instance. He doesn't exist! Though I so very badly, and I mean badly wish that he did...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blow Me A Kiss

I love this picture
Isn't it great?
I totally know how Spike feels right now

Anyway, I guess I don't have much of anything to post about right now. Anything relevant anyway. But it's 1:45 in the morning, I can't sleep and I am so, so very depressed right now that it's not even funny. So, I figured why not do some Blogging? You people always love to read my occasional super depressing posts, right? Hahaha

Okay, so I guess that I'm going to tell you all about a dream that I had a little bit ago. I was on my way Home from a sleep over and driving down this road just minding my own bussiness and then all of a sudden these cops pull over me and like three other cars and we wind up parked on this side street in a line and I'm the last car in the line and the Police Officer is going down car the line car to car asking people questions and such, while his partner stands next to the Police Car and does nothing at all.

Now I don't know why, but for some reason I decide that I am going to make a break for it and I drive away. The Police Men of course give chase and the only reason that I get away is because there's traffic or something and they can't get through. So, I go Home and park my car like right next to the house so that you can't really see it from the street and then I go out with my parents. Why? To buy a Prom dress. Why I am buying a Prom dress? I have no clue actually. We don't talk about me going to the Prom at all.

Anyway, we buy the dress and I come out and my friend Matt is sitting outside next to his car, now Matt is apprently a Police Man because he's wearing a uniform and all that stuff. So, I go over to him and ask if very Officer on the force is looking for me right now. And he says the only reason that they haven't found me yet is because of him. And I tell him that he's the best and then I leave with my parents. And when I get Home my car is gone. And my parents are totally unphased by the fact that it's gone.

So, I don't make a big deal out of it either. Then the next day I go to school and K is waiting for me outside the school. Yes K, from Men in Black. And he's like, I have your car. And I'm like why? You've got nothing on me. (Still no idea what I apprently did or why I ran by the way.) And he's like I've got a witness! And the Officer that was standing next to the car doing nothing when I ran, shows up. And K is like, is this the girl? And he's like, I don't know. And K's like don't you remember? And he's like not really. So K starts to get pissed then and he's like what do you remember? And this guy is like boobs, so I know it was a girl and there was a stuffed animal in the front seat and the car might have been black. And K's like might have been? Well that's not enough for me to go on. And I'm like exactly! So, why'd ou take my car? And K's like I don't know. Hahaha

It was a really random dream. Not quite as random as the dream I had about Sharks eating old ladys in Colonial era party dresses.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

0_- Cheeeeeeese? -_0

Where are you going for lunch?

So, sort post today. Hahaha. Anyway, I was just thinking that some of my characters now have tails like the animals that they um, share DNA with, I guess. You know, in addition to the ones that already had wings and Nicademus with his gills and Shark eyes and such.


Yea... So, now I'm starting to wonder if they have tails and wings and stuff, should they have any other animal like characteristics. Now, please do get your mind out of the gutter!! I'm not talking about anything weird like having them lick themselves clean or anything like that exceedingly creppy like that. I was just thinking, should they be able to see in the dark? After all, Nicademus can see under water. Should they be able to roar or growl like their animal counterparts? Because how cool would that be if Emma could roar like a Panther?! So cool! And Aiden could screech like a Hawk and that would be a great crowd control method for him to utilize, wouldn't it? Hahaa

Ya know, just stuff like that. I mean, it would make sense, I think. Because Nicademus can do all kinds of Shark like stuff. And I don't want to change any of his abilities because they suit him and such. But on the other hand, he is also the only Vaikas that has more then one animal characteristic. Soooo, that makes things a bit unbalanced. Dontchu think? Hahaha.

Music is Life

So, I've been living for my music a bit more then I used to as of late. Which some people might think is strange, but I guess that I think those people are nuts. Music is beautiful and it's something that everyone can relate to in one way another. Which is cool. So, I don't really have much revelant information to post today. But I kind of felt like blogging, and according to my boyfriend and my brother I don't blog enough anyway, so I guess that everyone wins. Or at least the three of us do. Hahaha.

Anyway, I thought that I'd just post some lyrics from a few of my favorite songs. Because they inspire and give me strength. And who knows maybe if you read them here, they can inspire you too! Hahaha

Hey Stoopid by Alice Cooper
"C'mon Girl it's a better day, get your foot out of that grave, don't let that one love tear your World apart! C'mon Babe, kick that stuff, and show the street it ain't so tough. Quit lying around with a crippled, broken heart."

Haven't Seen the Last of Me by Cher
"They can say that I won't stay around, but I'm gonna stand my ground! You're not gonna stop me now! You don't know me, you don't know who I am, don't count me out so fast. I've been brought down too my knees, and I've been pushed right past the point of breaking, but I can take it! I'll be back, back on my feet. This is far from over, you haven't seen the last of me.

There will be no fade out! This is not the end, I'm down now but I'll be standing tall again! Times are hard but, I was built tough! I'm gonna show you all what I'm made of! I've been brought down to my knees and I've been pushed right past the point of breaking, but I can take it! I'll be back, back on my feet. This is far from over, I am far from over. You haven't seen the last of me."

Someone to Fall Back on from Bandslam
"I am no prince, I am no saint but if that's what you believe you need, you're wrong. You don't need much, you need someone to fall back on. And I'll be that, I'll take your side. If I'm the only one, I'm used to that. I've been alone, I'd rather be. The half of us, The least of you, the best of me. And I will be! I'll be your prince, I'll be your saint, I will go crashing through fences in your name! I will, I swear, I'll be someone to fall back on! I'll be the one who waits, and for as long as you'll let me, I'll be the one you need. I'll be someone to fall back on!"

Survive by Sick Puppies
"I've had too many days where I'm ready to break. There's gotta be more, there's gotta be more, so I incest everything because I'm in it to win. Nothing but time on my side. Anywhere I chose, cause I wasn't built to lose and you think I'm gonna fall face down on the floor just because I'm high, high? As for me, I have to disagree, cause I'm the one who will survive, the ones you eat alive and nobody puts up a fight! They die, they die. Growing tired of bills and popping all these pills, but I'll do what I want to do. Cause I wasn't built to lose."

What are you Looking for? by Sick Puppies
"I walk the line of the disappointed, I celebrate when I'm in pain. My heart and mind can be disjointed. I built a bed in this hole I made... I recognize that I'm damaged, I sympathize that you are too. I wanna breathe without feelin' so self-conscious, But it's hard when the world's starin' at you... Another piece of the puzzle, that doesn't fit. You throw your arms up, you're so damn sick of it! What are you working for, What are you searching for? Love... You won't be thinking of cars when, You're on your death bed and dyin', You'll only be thinkin' of what you are paying for, What you are praying for, Love.
I'll never be what I see on the TV screen, I just keep dreaming of what I'm never gonna be! But I can't think of a better way to waste my time then try!

Anyway, that's just a few of them. Believe me, there are a TON more. But I am waaaay to lazy to type any more of them right now. Hahaha. So anyway, I hope that you liked those songs. Their some of my favorites.

Bye Bye

Friday, July 8, 2011

Again With The Butt!

'Ello My Freaky Little Darlings!
How are we all doing today?
Glad to hear it.
I too, am well.
Thank you for asking.

Anyway, the topic of today's post is a preface. As it is my book starts out with Emma having a nightmare about the day she fell through The Void. Now, the question is, do any of you people think that I should write a preface for the book? It would have to be a scene from the day that Valken was murdered and Emma fell, obviously. I was thinking of perhaps the scene where Aiden and Hiroshi stumble Home all battered and bruised, without Emma, intending to go and round up every single man they have and go on a huge quest to find Emma. Only to find the castle in an uproar and Aurora and Lily crying their eyes out because Valken has been murdered. Or perhaps, just the part where they capture Kerian and Aiden sentences him. I don't know. I suppose that I could try to do both. But they would have to be a bit more abbreviated then I'd like and I don"t want anything to seem rushed. Ya know?

Um, so yea. Any thoughts on that? Because if I decide to write a preface then I have to decide other things like how long it should be, which part, from who's perspective and all kinds of other stuff like that. So, um, input?

Also, did anybody but me notice that in that picture of Spike on the motorcycle that I posted awhile back, he's wearing a big square belt buckle with a round bit in the center that looks quite similar to the lame belt buckle things that they had in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?

Cause it totally did!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tramps Like Us, Baby We Were Born to Run

Baby, wrap your legs 'round these velvet rims and strap your hands across my engines!
Together we could break this trap,
We'll run till we drop, Baby we'll never look back

Yea.... I would totally jump on the back of Spike's motorcycle and run away with him. Hahaha. No reason to roll your eyes at your computer screen though, I know exactly how lame I am. In fact, I'm pretty well aware. Hahaha. Buuuuuut, I love that song a lot annnnnnnd I have all of these epic, gorgeuos pictures of Spike. So, why not post them?

Anyway, back to the topic of the post at hand. Um, my blog has suddenly decided that it will in fact, let me copy and paste things from my Word Documents to my blog again like I used to be able too. Which kind of begs the question, should I start posting my actually writing on this blog again or not? Because I know that the majority of my "loyal" fans are too lazy to check my blog regularly, let alone read anything on my Devianart page.

Yea, that's right. I know and I'm talking about you.

So, on the one hand, more people would actually read my writing if I posted it up here. However, on the other hand, if there are only two people who EVER comment on my blog as of right now, what're the chances that if I start posting my writing that that's going to change? I would expect rather slim. Slim to none, actually. But the question still stands.

And let's wrap this post up with another good picture of Spike.
He looks goooooood, right?
Good, if not slightly creepy whilest hugging himself.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gaint Radioactive Rubber Pants!

Okay, soooo I was reading through some old posts just now and I've noticed that there is some confusion as too which character is which and I would just like to clear that up real quick. Because I've been changing people's names and stuff and now no one seems to know who I'm talking about. Haahahahaha.

Alright. So firstly,
-Xander is now Fiore. Okay? Emma and Angel's little brother's name is no longer Xander, it's Fiore! Fiore! Because he's apprently Italian. (But whatever you do, don't tell him he's not Italian! Hahahaa)
-Blaise's parent's names are Gabriel and Ariana.
-Aiden's sister's name is Lillith, but everyone calls her Lily.
-Aiden's father's name is Valken. It was Kai, but now it's Valken.
-Nicademus' Wifie's name is Brandy. It was Levia. Now it's Brandy. And she's a fine girl.
-Kazuo is Kazuo is Kazuo, will always be Kazuo.
-Kerian's evil demon children are Selene and Damien. They were Kikyo and Xanathos, but they're not anymore. Now they're Selene and Damien. Deal with it.
-And Kikyo is the evil dragon wench that kidnaps Serena. Kikyo!

And that's basically all that I have to say about that. Just setting the record straight so that maybe someone other then me will know what I'm talking about. Hahaha

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Star Date Monkey Cheesecake Helicopter

I had a dream! It was silly and pointless and that's why I've decided to share it with yoooooou! Aren't you people Luuuuuucky?! Indeed you most certianly are. Hahahaha.

Anyway, this particular dream starts out with me and Blaise and three other people huddled around a fire on my back porch. There's one other chicky chick and she looks kind of like Xena. And there's two Asain guys, and they both look exactly like Thor's Asain friend and they're completely Identical. But somehow I can tell the diffrence. And I have this model of a stage made out of a cardboard box and I'm arguing with one of the Asain guys about it. Because apprently we're starting a band, I'm the singer, Blaise plays drums, Xena's on bass, one Asain guy plays the keyboard and the other one plays the guitar, and he doesn't like the way that I'm trying to set everyone up on stage or the instrament choices. He doesn't want to play the guitar! What a Jerk?! Hahaha.

Anyway, I finally get this guy to see reason and then all of a sudden 21 hundred million bikers come flying around my house and into my backyard. And we just stand there and stare at them. And they don't say a word to us, they just pretend that we're not there. Then finally Xena's like, do you know any of these people? And I'm like nooooo. So, Blaise decides that he'll go talk to them and try to see what's up. He goes over to one grouping of this random people and is like, Soooo, what're you guys doing here? You don't live here. And in a super duper over reaction to a simple question, everyone goes crazy and kidnaps Blaise. And Xena and I freak out and try to go help Blaise but the Asain boys grab us and drag us inside. Where it's safe. Because apprently these people only want to take over my backyard, not my house.

So, we hide out inside for awhile and watch these weird people and then formulate a brilliant plan to rescue Blaise! But we have to wait until night time because that's how these things work. And when nightfall comes, the plan stops making any sense at all! Xena dresses up like a Ninja and runs out into the dark and starts disconnecting all the fuel lines. Then the Asain guys, lapel down the side of my house for no apprent reason, while I simply run out the back door and straight for Blaise. Who is hanging, all tied up on a spike like he's been crucified or something! But he's okay and I get him down completely unnoticed. Then like the second we start to sneak away someone turns on a bunch of big friggin spotlights and all of a sudden we're surrounded!

And from there the dream begins to make evern less sense. Because all of a sudden we're being attacked, but not by the bikers, by like transformers! And then all of a sudden Xena's a mutant or something with super powers and the Asians are shooting lazers everywhere. Blaise has a sword. Oh yea, and apprently we're all Secret Agents!!! Hahahaha. Great dream right?

And in addition to that rambling waste of time you all just sat through reading out of morbid curiousity or perhaps because you really, truly love me, I have an important issue to bring up in this post! And that is, ears and tails. I've talked about it quite a bit in the past, but I never came to a conclusion.......... UNTIL NOW!

Yes! Tis true! Hahaha. And the conclusion is, Tails. This is not some stupid anime, we are not cat girls, or whatever. But I want Emma and Angel and Sabatian to have tails. Why shouldn't they? I mean, it only makes sense! Aiden is a Hawk, he's got wings. Eclipse and Serena are Dragons, they too have wings. Nicademus is a Shark, his eyes turn black, his fingers web and he grows gills whenever het get's wet! Emma, Angel and Sabastian ahow absolutely no sign of their animal abilities and that doesn't really make much sense when my other Vaikas have such obvious animal traits. So, I'm giving them all tails! Whooooo!

The only problem this creates for me is that I now have to make a few more choices such as color and shape and what not. Hahaha. I'll have to decide once and for all what kind of Vaikas Emma is. Because originally she was just a cat. But then I was leaning toward a White Tiger. But I don't nessicarily want her tail to be black and white, so now I'm sort of leaning towards either a Panther or just a cat. But if I just a regular cat then I have to decide whether she get's a bushy tail or a sleeky tail. And Angel! Originally she was supposed to be a white fox, in yet another reference to Yu Yu Hakusho. But perhaps she should be a red fox? It would match the red highlights in her hair. And then there's Sabastian. What color Wolf should he be? It would be easy to say brown to match his hair color, but I am rather fond of grey wolves or perhaps black. Sooooo, yea. I guess that's it for that. Feel free to give me an opinion on anything.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lita's Choice

Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys!
I just counted up all the money and stuff people have given me for Graduation and guess what?!
It's enough!
I could buy tickets and a back stage pass to meet ALICE COOPER?!
Now I am faced with a problem.
Meeting Alice Cooper is like a dream come true.
He's my idol!
The smart thing too do with all of this money would be to save it.
Especially since at the current moment, I don't have a job.
On the other hand,
The Man is 63 years old?!
If I don't do this, I may NEVER get another chance.
Soooooo, what do I do?
Help me!
Granted, you all know that I'm just going to make up my own mind in the end.
But it would be nice to know you guys' opinions of such a thing.