Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gaint Radioactive Rubber Pants!

Okay, soooo I was reading through some old posts just now and I've noticed that there is some confusion as too which character is which and I would just like to clear that up real quick. Because I've been changing people's names and stuff and now no one seems to know who I'm talking about. Haahahahaha.

Alright. So firstly,
-Xander is now Fiore. Okay? Emma and Angel's little brother's name is no longer Xander, it's Fiore! Fiore! Because he's apprently Italian. (But whatever you do, don't tell him he's not Italian! Hahahaa)
-Blaise's parent's names are Gabriel and Ariana.
-Aiden's sister's name is Lillith, but everyone calls her Lily.
-Aiden's father's name is Valken. It was Kai, but now it's Valken.
-Nicademus' Wifie's name is Brandy. It was Levia. Now it's Brandy. And she's a fine girl.
-Kazuo is Kazuo is Kazuo, will always be Kazuo.
-Kerian's evil demon children are Selene and Damien. They were Kikyo and Xanathos, but they're not anymore. Now they're Selene and Damien. Deal with it.
-And Kikyo is the evil dragon wench that kidnaps Serena. Kikyo!

And that's basically all that I have to say about that. Just setting the record straight so that maybe someone other then me will know what I'm talking about. Hahaha


layfon said...

so the main character's name is sarah right?

Lita said...

It's Emma!