Monday, June 13, 2011

Funderburkes Are Go!

Greatest Last Name Evar?!
And you all bettter believe that if my last name were Funderburke, that I would be saying "Funderburkes are go!" every single time we left the house! And singing the Thundercats Theme Song whilest in the car,
Funderburkes are on the move,
Funderburkes are loose!

And now for the point of this post! I've had an idea. And I need some input about whether the idea is worth working into the book or not. And this is the idea, volunteers!
What? Volunteers? For what?! That makes no sense at all!
Of course it doesn't yet make any sense at all, I haven't explained it yet! Keep yer shirts on.

Now, the other day I was thinking, Aiden is a kind and gentle ruler. The Radic family has been well liked by it's subjects for many, many years. We've done quite well by the kingdom, keeping the peace and what not. So, I was thinking maybe, since we are such excellent leaders and such, that our subjects should love us. And since we are not so lame as King Theodin, asking any male child only enough to hold a sword and old men to help them fight in our hour of need and no non military persons of Zarius are given the oppertunity to join our ranks and help us fight off Kerian, why shouldn't some people volunteer?

Villagers, maybe some of the housing staff. Like Maids and whatever. Everyone has powers. Why shouldn't they all be given an oppertunity to use them? They could still be useful! And why shouldn't we let them fight if they want to fight? Zarius is their Home too! So, that's the idea. When word gets out that Zarius is being invaded, should a small group of civillians volunteer to help defend our country?

I tend to think yes on this one, and I do have a scene in mind where I could fairly easily fit this into the story. But my mind is not entirely made up yet. Soooo, let me know what you think, eh?


layfon said...

i like the idea. i think you might also be able to work in mercenaries or something to that effect as well. even if it is more on the evil side than the good side since there are always fighters looking to earn money. and there are always people that want to join the army type thing but are not allowed and this could be a time where you allow them.

Shadow Wolf said...

it is a good plan maybe you can barely mention it like have some give a volenteers are welcome speech. another thing you could do is have villigarss fight but not with the armies. like they had weapons and fought on their land.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Mercinaries are always a good idea as well. I wasn't really planning on going into Kerian and his recruitment of villians and such. But now that I think about it, I probably should. I mean Zarius is getting help from the RoQuero and our allies over seas, and it would be very foolish for Kerian to not be keeping tabs on our growing numbers. So perhaps he shall have to resort to recruiting some mercinaries. That would certianly make an interesting scene