Friday, July 8, 2011

Again With The Butt!

'Ello My Freaky Little Darlings!
How are we all doing today?
Glad to hear it.
I too, am well.
Thank you for asking.

Anyway, the topic of today's post is a preface. As it is my book starts out with Emma having a nightmare about the day she fell through The Void. Now, the question is, do any of you people think that I should write a preface for the book? It would have to be a scene from the day that Valken was murdered and Emma fell, obviously. I was thinking of perhaps the scene where Aiden and Hiroshi stumble Home all battered and bruised, without Emma, intending to go and round up every single man they have and go on a huge quest to find Emma. Only to find the castle in an uproar and Aurora and Lily crying their eyes out because Valken has been murdered. Or perhaps, just the part where they capture Kerian and Aiden sentences him. I don't know. I suppose that I could try to do both. But they would have to be a bit more abbreviated then I'd like and I don"t want anything to seem rushed. Ya know?

Um, so yea. Any thoughts on that? Because if I decide to write a preface then I have to decide other things like how long it should be, which part, from who's perspective and all kinds of other stuff like that. So, um, input?

Also, did anybody but me notice that in that picture of Spike on the motorcycle that I posted awhile back, he's wearing a big square belt buckle with a round bit in the center that looks quite similar to the lame belt buckle things that they had in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?

Cause it totally did!

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