Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ringle Dingle Dingle

Hello Blog!
Loyal Fans.
-nod, nod-
I just realized that it's been nearly a month since the last time that I posted here!
And I will be staying this tiiiiiiiiiime.
-musick starts playing-
In the back of your wagons my men will all hide-
Getting carried away there for a second.
Gary Oldman <3
And what's with this annoying centered text thing?
I do this alll the bloody time!
And not one person has ever said anything to me about it.
Seems a little silly if you ask me.

Now, onto business! Today's business? There is no business!! I literally don't think that I have one single relevant thing to say to all of you... 1, 2, 3, 4! 4 people who actually read this blog. And do you know why that is? It's because ever since school started, I have had writers block! Damn yoooooooooooou Massasoit! I'm trying to force myself to write anyway because I've broken writers blocks like that in the past, but so far it's not working and I haven't written a sentence worth reading in two months! Which is pathetic. -frowny face- Still, I'm confident that it's just a matter of time before my brain cavity stops being a raging tard monkey!!

Let's see, what can I ramble about today? Well, the other day I went to lunch with a friend that I haven't hung out with just him and me in a looong while. That was kind of cool. I was thinking that should my talent ever return to me that I should write about that for my fabulous Almost Autobiography-type short stories, because we talked about my ex boyfriends and his girlfriend and such.

Apparently, my ex boyfriend and the bitch that was trying to steal him from me, were telling him vastly different stories from the way that I remember it. Guess that's to be expected from jack asses and sluts though, huh? My current boyfriend's friends also seem to be telling Mike stories about me that are drastically different from what actually happened as well. But I think that's more because they don't like me that much and think that I'm stealing Layfon from them. Doesn't exactly make me feel loved.... Also, hearing him talk about how great things are with his girlfriend kind of made me sad because I'm a little insecure and Layfon and I just had our first real fight and that sort of thing, so I'm a little worried... But just the same, I think that it should probably be included in the series. Especially if it should ever become a book. Which I highly doubt. But it seems like every person that I've ever asked, likes my "realistic" stories a whoooole hell of a lot more then anything pertaining to my novel. So, who knows?

Oh! And the other day, I got into an argument with a friend about Finding Nemo. A movie which I can't stand by the way! Anyway, we were arguing about the Shark. It's a Great White Shark named Bruce. Now, I am convinced that the named the Shark Bruce because that's what they named the mechanical Shark in Jaws, which I think is one of the greatest movies ever made despite the fact that Sharks are terrifying by the way, after director's lawyer. And he was arguing that it was a reference to Monty Python because Bruce was an British Australian. I'm pretty sure that I was right and he was wrong. But he's one of those people that's annoying to argue with even if it's over something stupid.

Annnnnd I think that I'm getting sick. And if anybody every tried to pull some of that Scare Tactic shit on me, the chances are whoever was "attacking" me would wind up in a body bag. Because I would likely just panic and rip their throats out or possibly even stab them, depending on the availability of a pointed object. Doesn't have to be a knife. As Jason Bourne demonstrated, a ball point pen can be just as effective. Hahaha. It'd be just like that guy that pretends to be a scarecrow on Halloween and then jumps out at somebody and gets punched in the face. Except more violent! Hahahahahahahahaha.

And for my final thoughts in this, a most pointless of posts, I would like to leave you all pondering this question. In a World ruled by a giant Beaver Overlord, what food would never be invented?



layfon said...

im sorry your getting sick. that's not good. im sorry you think my friends dont love you, but i sure do. and um um, i guess cheese danish. haha

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Awww, thanks Baby <3

And that's correct!! FOUR AND HALF GOLD STARS TO YOU?! And a hug.

layfon said...

um um. can i trade in the four and half gold stars for a 2 hugs and maybe a kiss instead? i'd much rather have that. ;)

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

How about 3 kisses and a really long hug? Hahaha