Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Robo-Hunchback of Notre Bot

Yes, I did seriously just type that. It's a good title, right? Somebody should make that movie. Hahaha. Has anyone else noticed that I appear to spam the hell out of commas when I post here? This is another of those things that I've just noticed that I wonder if anyone else has ever noticed about me and if they have, how come no one ever comments on them?

Anyway, earlier today I was thinking that I should ask my friend to draw a chibi chinchilla for me. But then I realized that chinchilla's are basically chibi's already! Hahaha. Dontchu think? They're all small and round with itty bitty little faces that are all cute and fluffty puffty and stuff. lolololololololol

Good news, I've gotten back in touch with a bunch of friends that I lost the numbers of since they reset my phone. Which is good. Bad news, my Biology teacher is a dick munching bastard face. He is so mean! And I'm afraid that I'm gonna fail my first test, because I just took the pretest online and none of the anwsers to those questions were in my notes! What the hell am I supposed to do now?! I've been freaking out for the past hour and apprently no one has time to talk me down! Layfon's too busy to try and make me feel better. Wolf's at Karate. I'm feeling very alone right now... So, I'm sitting in my back room blasting "Poison" on repeat because it has a strangely calming effect on me and I honestly think that it's the only thing that's keeping me from crying right now...

One look could kill,
My pain, your thrill...
I wanna love you but I better not touch,
I wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stop,
I wanna kiss you but I want it too much,
I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous

How could anyone not love that song? It's fantastic and amazing.

Um, on another note, why is Tumbler or whatever more popular then Blogs all of a sudden? From what I can tell it's just a random site to post pictures on in a Blog like format. There's not much text involved in the posts that I've seen. Which I would find annoying, I think.

Relavent information, you ask? Sure why not. I got something for you.

-My writers block has finally subsided!

-I've decided to invent a younger brother for Blaise. I will have them both survive the attack and escape into the woods and then they'll get lost and Blaise's brother will die, not because of something Blaise did, but from like hypothermia or something because it's winter time. And I'm gonna use his Brother's super traumatic death and like the sight of him getting buried and stuff like that as the cause of Blaise's amnesia. Because I think that it makes more sense, ya know? Blaise is tough, so I was thinking that he needed something a little more to happen to him in order to traumatize him to that extreme.

So now, when Lucian finds young Blaise in the woods, he's going to be dirty and bloody and malnurioushed and half frozen to death, catatonic and clinging to his little brother's lifeless body. Then the story from there on remains the same for Blaise.

-And my Blog's spell check doesn't appear to be working at the moment.... -sigh-

-The only other relavent information that I have for you guys pretaining to my story is that I am once again considering changing some names around! Hahaha. No wonder you guys are always confused about what character I'm talking about, I change someone's name like every six months! But I must find the perfect name! -determined-

Today's possible name change victim is little girl! Currently her name is Serena. Cutesy little dragonette with short pink and black hair and light blue eyes. Hehehe. She's so cute! Anyway, I was considering changing her name to Lilliana. And before you say anything, it's not because of Magic!! Lilliana is a real name, it's in my baby book and I have always been a fan of it. Okay, so don't bother with the snarky remarks. (You know who you are. -glare- I am in no mood for your crap.) 

So, Lilliana. It's very pretty and feminine and whatever. And I also think that Lilliana and Zareck sound pretty good together. It works with our last name too, Lilliana Deimos. Sounds pretty good. But there is a problem with this! Aiden's twin sister's name is Lily. And I don't like that. They're too similar to each other and I don't approve. So, if I change Serena's name, I have to change Lily's too. Now, I could easily just switch them up and have Serena be my Aunty. Aiden and Serena, Serena and Aiden Radic sounds just as good as anything else to me.

So, tell me what you think or not. Same as always. I'll probably just wind up making the choice by myself anyway. -shrug-
-Lita Kaye

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