Sunday, August 21, 2011

How You Gonna See Me Now?

So, as those of you who are close to me or are have spoken to me recently would know, I received some very, very awful news Friday night. I won't go into the details of it here, but please keep my friend Ann Dixon and her child in your prayers... It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.

Anyway, Alice Cooper last Saturday night!
This is the canvas thingie that was hung like infront of the stage, so we couldn't see the roadies picking stuff up and putting it down because they are roadies!! Hahaha. ((Like I'd ever forget that song!)) Looks pretty cool don't it?
Oh! And what's this?
A picture of me and Wolf with my little teddy bear, Vincent and my

So, Alice had no opening band on Saturday. And why, you may ask? Because he's ALICE FREAKING COOPER AND HE NEEDS NO OPENING BAND?! THE MAN IS A SHOW ALL BY HIMSELF?! Which, as anyone who's ever seen an Alice Cooper concert will tell you is completely true, I am not baised or exaggerating. Haha. Oh! And unlike a certian Zob Rombie I could mention, Alice does not need to resort to using a bunch of flat screens flashing pictures of boobs on it to distract people from the fact that his music actually blows. Because Alice actually has talent. And that's the truth!

And my phone is retarded. I'm going to trade it in for a new one, like tomorrow. I'm sick of it freaking out on me every two seconds.

Anyway, the first song that he played was The Black Widow, which is one of my favorites ever! It's also why I named my teddy bear Vincent, in reference to Vincent Price who does the intro to The Black Widow. He also sang a couple of my other favorites, but because this was the "Early Years" tour there was very little Steven to be had. Which is a bit saddening. I love Steven!! But Alice made it up to us though by bringing out the Boa Constrictor?! Whoooo! And I say this all the time, if you didn't see either the snake or the black make up at the concert, then you didn't see Alice Cooper. Hahaha. I saw both on Saturday! I even got a picture of him holding the snake.

Now, let's see, what else happened during the concert? Oh, that's right! ALICE PLAYED US A BRAND NEW SONG OFF OF HIS YET TO BE RELEASED NEW ALBUM!!?!! WHOOOOO!! Hehehe. Alice isn't retiring anytime soon Guys. <3
Then, after the show, I got to go back stage and meet Alice Cooper?! That's right, Alice Cooper. My Hero. And guess what? He is the sweetest guy on the planet! You know how sometimes people finally met their Hero's and they wind up being total Tool Boxes or complete Jerks? Well that certianly didn't happen here?! Alice Cooper is the nicest guy that you'll ever meet! I mean, he gave me a hug. That's right. You're jealous, Alice Cooper gave me a hug!

.....I really wish that I thought to get a picture of him hugging me....

And here's one of the pictures of us together!
((I have more pictures of us together too!))
Oh and remember how in my last post, I said that I had spent so much of my life sewing ribbons onto that stupid dress that Alice better tell me that he likes it? No? Of course you don't. You people have the short term memory of a gold fish! Or a gnat or something.... Well anyway, guess what? ALICE DID LIKE MY DRESS?! He told me that it was very pretty and that he felt under dressed sitting next to me. Hahaha. And he autographed literally everything that I had on me. My bag, my tour shirt, the set list, Vincent's tee shirt. Everything! He was so sweet! AND HE GAVE ME A FREAKING HUG?!

I may never get over that. Alice Cooper gave me a hug! <3
I can die happy now. Haha

So, my dress isn't a hundred percent done yet. I've got one or two more ribbons to sew onto it and all of the bead work to do. But even as it is with just the ribbon and that pendant that I sewed to the front, I think that it's a great improvement and I'm already getting compliments on it! So, yay me! I'll post more pictures when it's actually done for reals. But don't expect them anytime soon. I don't own a sewing machiene and I have to do it all by hand which bloooooows! CARPEL TUNNEL NIGHTMARE! Hahaha

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