Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wifi is Short for Winston Finklestein?

So, I come out back to my computer to type up this blog post about cake because I've been procrastinating about writing it and my Mom is watching True Blood and as anyone who knows me would know, Vampire Porn bothers me to no conceivable end. Anyway, so literally as soon as I pull my Blog up, my nose starts gushing blood like a freakin faucet. -_- Super Duper annoying.

Anyway, this is a fabulous post about the cakes that me and my dearest, darlingest Layfon baked together. Yes, you read that right. My boyfriend and I bake together. On a fairly regular basis! And I just thought that I'd show off our amazing culinary skills for all too see! Hahaha

The first time we made cake together it was mostly because Layfon randomly wanted to make cake and our friend Mike's birthday seemed like a perfect excuse to do such a thing. And since we had enough batter to make two, we did just that. One for us and one for Mike. Hahaha.

Layfon decorated this one. Looks a little tardy doesn't it? Haha
I decorated Mike's cake! Do you like my shooting starfish?
Cloooose up!
This one if from the second time that we made cake together.
I decorated this one!
He's a french smilie face with a little goate and a curly mustache and a unibrow! (Very French)
This one is Layfon's. He used the ENTIRE jar of green suger crystals on that smilie face. And I gave it pupils because I can. Hahaha.
We also burned the hell out of these cakes because Layfon set the oven 150 degrees higher then he was supposed too without realizing it.
This is our most recent cake. The chocolate frosting was really dark so the pictures not the best, but then again we didn't really decorate this one. Layfon just drew a smilie face on it with whatever frosting we had left. Hahaha. Anyway, this was one of my favorite cakes we made together because it's yellow cake with pink in the middle and really dark brown on top. So when you cut into it it looks super funny!

Oh! And in a completely unrelated note, I'm thinking of writing some more short stories for my This is Love, This is Life collection that aren't specifically about relationships. Granted, it would still be a lot of heartbreak because the shorts are based on my life and let's face it, for a reasonably cheerful white suburban middle class college student, I deal with an awful lot of crap. By the way special thanks to all you Jerks out there for breaking my heart, taking sides and abandoning me! (And I'm not just talking about ex boyfriends) I really appercaite it. Really.

Thank God that Claudia gets me.

Anyway, I was just thinking that I should probably do a bit more outside of relationships if not just to add to the This is Life part of the title. But I don't really want this too become a biography. Firstly, because my life is not that interesting. And secondly, because some of the stories I've written for it are in no way true. Like the ones with Blaise in them for instance. He doesn't exist! Though I so very badly, and I mean badly wish that he did...

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