Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blow Me A Kiss

I love this picture
Isn't it great?
I totally know how Spike feels right now

Anyway, I guess I don't have much of anything to post about right now. Anything relevant anyway. But it's 1:45 in the morning, I can't sleep and I am so, so very depressed right now that it's not even funny. So, I figured why not do some Blogging? You people always love to read my occasional super depressing posts, right? Hahaha

Okay, so I guess that I'm going to tell you all about a dream that I had a little bit ago. I was on my way Home from a sleep over and driving down this road just minding my own bussiness and then all of a sudden these cops pull over me and like three other cars and we wind up parked on this side street in a line and I'm the last car in the line and the Police Officer is going down car the line car to car asking people questions and such, while his partner stands next to the Police Car and does nothing at all.

Now I don't know why, but for some reason I decide that I am going to make a break for it and I drive away. The Police Men of course give chase and the only reason that I get away is because there's traffic or something and they can't get through. So, I go Home and park my car like right next to the house so that you can't really see it from the street and then I go out with my parents. Why? To buy a Prom dress. Why I am buying a Prom dress? I have no clue actually. We don't talk about me going to the Prom at all.

Anyway, we buy the dress and I come out and my friend Matt is sitting outside next to his car, now Matt is apprently a Police Man because he's wearing a uniform and all that stuff. So, I go over to him and ask if very Officer on the force is looking for me right now. And he says the only reason that they haven't found me yet is because of him. And I tell him that he's the best and then I leave with my parents. And when I get Home my car is gone. And my parents are totally unphased by the fact that it's gone.

So, I don't make a big deal out of it either. Then the next day I go to school and K is waiting for me outside the school. Yes K, from Men in Black. And he's like, I have your car. And I'm like why? You've got nothing on me. (Still no idea what I apprently did or why I ran by the way.) And he's like I've got a witness! And the Officer that was standing next to the car doing nothing when I ran, shows up. And K is like, is this the girl? And he's like, I don't know. And K's like don't you remember? And he's like not really. So K starts to get pissed then and he's like what do you remember? And this guy is like boobs, so I know it was a girl and there was a stuffed animal in the front seat and the car might have been black. And K's like might have been? Well that's not enough for me to go on. And I'm like exactly! So, why'd ou take my car? And K's like I don't know. Hahaha

It was a really random dream. Not quite as random as the dream I had about Sharks eating old ladys in Colonial era party dresses.

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