Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Spank your Snooker

Okay, so I want to start out this post by saying thank you to Wolf for actually giving me some helpful opinions for the first time in awhile. Thank you Wolf Cakes, I appreciate it. <3


This post shall be relevant! And thought provoking! Hopefully.... Anyway, I was thinking the other day that maybe it would make a more interesting start to my story if Eclipse wasn't a Royal Guard when he finds Emma, but rather just some random guy. But why you say would some random guy be looking for the long lost Princess of Zarius? I've got that figured too! What I was thinking that maybe Eclipse and Sabastian have tried several times to get into the guard and they keep getting turned away and after a few tries they decide that the only way to get into the guard and fulfill THEIR LIFES DREAM is to do something really impressive in service of the King and then ask to be made guards as their reward, because I've decided that that happens sometimes. Worked in The Three Musketeers after all. So, that would be their motivation to find Emma. But! Travel to the Human World must be sanctioned by the King! Because we can't be having 8 million Vaikas running around Earth mucking up the place. So, Eclipse and Sabastian would have to be very sneaky about it. Which is fine, whatever.

Um, I think that it might be a little less cliche then having Eclipse promoted to Captain of the Guard and all ready being a pretty big Hero and all that shit right at the very beginning. It also might give Aiden another reason to rage when Eclipse and Emma get together. Something else to fuel that fire. And once again, I'd be creating more work for myself because I'd have to change the scene where Emma wakes up in a weird place and write something about Sabastian and Eclipse taking her to the castle and all that kind of crap, buuuuut I'm thinking that this might be a good change. Thoughts and opinions are welcomed, but only if their helpful. Hahaha <3

My next post shall be about Cassandra's necklace. Ta Ta for now Loves.


Shadow Wolf said...

i like the idea you have but another idea could be they were just regular soldiers and not royal guards yet. maybe the find the princess thing could be bitch work... why that is bitch work i dont know. and thats the best i got

Lita Kaye said...

We have no regular soliders in Zarius. We're a Naval State. But in the original plot Eclipse wouls have been just a guard not a captian or anything fancy