Friday, July 6, 2012


Okay. So who remembers my friend Tim? No, not the scuzzy, ex boyfriend, asshole Tim. My friend Tim. He's literally one of the sweetest guys that I've ever met and he's really funny and cute too! And he loves Soccer and he tutors at the ARC and he's just a great guy. Unfortunately, he also has a Kidney Disease and has had to be on dialysis for a long time.... Well, um, I don't really know how to say this. But... TIM'S GETTING A NEW KIDNEY!!!?!!?!?! Isn't that amazing?! Ohmigosh, I am so unbelievably happy for him! And relieved too! He was so depressed... But now everything is going to be better for him! And I'm so, so happy! Like I've been spazzing out about this for like two hours now. Maybe longer. Cause like, he'll be able to play Soccer again?! And that's his favorite thing in the whole world!! It's a miracle! Hehehe. <3

Anyway, he goes in for surgery on Tuesday. And he's a great guy and he really deserves this chance, so everyone keep him in your prayers and wish him a speedy recovery!

Congratulations Tim! <3

Oh yeah! And he said that he's gonna try and come to my going away party too, so you can all congratulate him in person as well! Yaaaaaaay! <3

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