Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shake, Rattle and Roll

Okay. So, I was gonna wait until someone read my new draft of Emma waking up in Strangerland just to make sure that it didn't suck but no one seems to be that interested in helping me out with that. So I'm like whatever, I'm just gonna do it. Emma can have two necklaces and Sabastian and Eclipse will NOT be guards when they find her. I'm liking the change, so let's just do it.

Question though. Before, when Eclipse was promoted, he got his own room. Now however, I'm kind of thinking that he should have to room with Sabastian after they get appointed. Cause I mean, they're not special right now. So wy would they get their own rooms?

Also! If there's two of them, then Emma would probably want to thank both of them for bringing her Home. So I have two options there. If they each get their own room then I can be like, oh yeah. Emma tried to thank Sabastian but he didn't answer the door when she knocked. Maybe he was alseep or something. And if they share a room Sabastian will probably be in the shower and Eclipse will answer the door. She'll kiss him and then run off cause she's late or she'll kiss him and then before she leaves Sabby will come out of the shower and she can be like "I just wanted to thank you!" And then run off. Caus she likes Eclipse. She's not gonna kiss both of them and if she does kiss both of them, she's only kissing Sabastian on the cheek. Ya know? Sooooooo...... Input?

Oh yeah and orientation was epic, btw. Fun stuff.


Shadow Wolf said...

i agree with the sharing the room thing because you need rank to have your own room. and the shower thing works i think Sabby should be all OOOOOO when Emma kisses Eclipse just to be a creep. that is just some crap i would do.

Lita Kaye said...

Yeah. Well, they are "brothers" so if he see's anything at all isn't it really his duty to be a Jerk about it? Hahaha