Tuesday, July 10, 2012

...Where is My Mind?

Okay, so maybe it wasn't my very next post. But I did tell ya'll that I was gonna post about Emma's necklace, so I don't wanna hear any whinning about it. Got it?! ....Good.

Alright then. Um, I can't remember whether I've ever mentioned this before or not but in my original verison of my character Emma, Emma always had a necklace that was given to her by Aiden and Hiroshi when she was a little girl and of course Angel would have a matching one. And for Emma, since she was lost, it would be like Anastiasia's necklace, the only link she has to her past. It wouldn't say "Together in Paris" though. Hahaha.

I would have it be engraved with her name so as to eliminate the possiblity of Cassandra renaming her when she finds her and such like baby Hercules.

And when she returns to Zarius, she would still have it. Maybe Angel and Emma could have a moment when they're reunited to talk about that. However, I recently found that I've been so hung up on changing plot details and the tiny tiny things that no one who reads the book will probably ever notice anyway, that I've barely even mentioned Emma having a neclace at all! And when I do make mention of it, I say that it's Cassandra's necklace, the only thing that Emma took when her mother died! And why did I do that? Because Emma was very very close to her mother and I feel that she should have something from her mother that she can keep with her always, so I gave her, her mother's locket. Which is of course, a reference to the locket that my Grandmother gave me, even though Aurora is more based on my grandmother then Cassandra is. So.... There you have it. I guess that my problem is that I'm not sure whether I should give her two special necklaces or ditch the Hercules/Anastasia thing all together. I mean, I could do two. But I don't know if I should.

Ummmm, anything else? Let's see.... Nope. Not that I can think of. Okay then. Toodles!


Shadow Wolf said...

whine whine whine.

anyway i see no issue with two necklaces but doesnt Eclipse find a birthmark or something but if he did that wouldnt he see the necklace to.

Lita Kaye said...

If I change it so that Eclipse is not a guard but just a random civillian, then he wouldn't know about the necklac because he'd have never met Angel or anything.

But if I don't change it then I'm gonna bank on coincidence, like it's just a necklace. Why would he pay much attention to that?

I am leanning towards changing it though. I've been doing a draftand it reads well, I think

Shadow Wolf said...

then go for it

Anonymous said...

the mothers item could be a bracelet or something instead?