Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oh, It's Lunch... Who Ate It Before You Did?

Since I have decided that Eclipse will be hired as a guard at the begining of the book rather then promoted at the begining of the book, I need a new Captian. Now I've already decided on the name. He shall be Captian Rocher in reference to Captian Rocher from Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. I don't have a first name picked out for him yet, because I intend to call him Captian Rocher or Rocher for the most part, so it's not really important. I'll probably just make it up on the spot when it comes time for first names. Um, there's a 97% chance that I'm going to kill him off in the final battle because let's face it. This is war, people are going to die. And that's not really up for debate. Now the question that I put up to you people is, what should the man look like? Is he a ginger? Is he a grizzly old man? Is he hott? Battle scarred? Got a limp? He owns a monkey? I don't know!! Hahaha. Input?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i say owns a monkey. that would be awesome. hahaha