Monday, July 23, 2012

Catharsis Time

I have nothing relevant to basically anything to post right now, so if you were looking for an update on the book then you are flat out of luck Bro. You might as well just skip this post. Today, the Blog is here solely for me to rant on it. Sorry.

-deep breath- I'm really stressed right now. I feel like everything is happening too quickly and I don't have any time to get everything done. And then there are other times where I feel like I have all the time in the World, but no drive to do the things that need to get done. And I'm so sick of this shit. I've filled out 9 thousand scholarship applications and haven't won one yet. I've been trying to get things in order for when I go to school but my parents drag their feet and over complicate things and nothing gets done. Like right now with my fucking lap top or that stupid ass fridge thing. They don't trust me to do it on my own and then whenever I say anything about it, I get yelled at about it and I can't take it anymore! I miss my friends. Two of my best friends have been MIA basically all summer. (You know who you are.) And thanks for that guys, really. Right when I need you guys... And right now I just really don't wanna go to school... These days, I'm so freaked out about everything I can barely sleep at night without Layfon and when I leave he's gonna be two hours away... I'm afraid I'll never see him and/or that this will be the end of us... And I cry all the time now! At everything. Even if it's not sad. The Black Belt Test is creeping up on me as we speak and I found out the other day that I'll have to move in to school and be there a whole week or two before the test even happens! How the fuck am I supposed to train for the damn thing like that? Two hours away from my partner and completely without a stand in. What am I supposed to do?! And to make matters worse, Wolf is starting to stress about it and that just stresses me out even more. And it's like, can someone just give me a freaking break already? I need to just hit something and scream... No, that won't work. I don't know what I need. Guess, I'll figure it out eventually... -sigh- Alright, -Spackle- Crack in the armor, has been sealed up. Time to move on. Smile like you mean it. Hold your position, don't fall backwards. All that crap.

Till next time.

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