Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm The One Who Will Survive

'Cause I Wasn't Built to Lose

Alright, so this post is about my Final Battle Scenes, I've got some updates, because once again I've changed some things! Bet you didn't see that one coming, eh? Hahaha.... Deal with it!

Anyway, moving right along. My dear friend Layfon has been reading through my blog, because unlike a lot of you people that I've specifically given this URL too, -cough, cough- Pipz, Alex Xander, Tim -cough- he actually seems to care about my writing and ramblings. And he offers constructive critisism! -gasp- I know, right?

Seriously though, thank you for all of your input Layfon and Wolf and everyone else who actually gives me opinons and things when I need them. I love you guys! And everyone else... Facebook isn't everything that the internet has to offer. Get a Life and Log Off once in a blue moon. Kay Pumpkin?

Needless to say as I was saying, Layfon has been reading through my blog and he's raised some interesting point about my final battle scene and I think that I rather like the direction that he was going in with this. And although I'm not doing exactly what he's suggested, I have tweaked the exchange between Aiden and Kerian and Hiroshi to be more along those lines. Soooo, here we go.

Basically what's going to happen is, the beginning will stay the same. Aiden and Kerian will clash in an epic battle, until Kerian gets Aiden into a really bad position and Aiden takes off to the sky to avoid getting sliced in two! Which is when Hiroshi takes over. So, now Hiroshi is fighting Kerian while Aiden is circling high above them. I also want to keep this part the same, except instead of having Aiden bust out a random bow and arrow, which I am convinced would be severely difficult to do whilest flying, I'm just going to have Aiden whip his trusty dagger, Zakuro, at Kerian. He shall of course, be aiming for his Brother's head. But I want Zakuro to hit him just below the collar bone on his right side, in the gap in Kerian's armor between the shoulder pad and chest plate.

Now, here is where things start to differ a bit from the orginal plan. After the knife wounds him, Kerian is going to get super pissed, and that's when things start to get more serious. (Because I'm going to write it as though Kerian were just toying with Aiden and Hiroshi up until this point.) And the first thing that Kerian is going to do, now that this shyt is getting serious is break Hiroshi's left arm. Before I was going with some sort of impact break ecause of the force of Uncle's strikes. But now, I'm thinking that I'll go with Juijitsu instead. I want Kerian to grab Hiroshi's arm, turn it over and then smash his elbow, in the same fashion as that move from umm, Cat 3. I think! Just before the Jumping Front Snap Kick?! Wolf knows what I'm talking about I'm sure. Anyway, after he decimates Hiroshi's right arm, Kerian is going to rip Zakuro out of his shoulder and impale Hiroshi's left thigh with it and then kick him in the chest or something so he crashes backwards a bit more dramatically.

Aiden see's this, freaks out and swoops down there. Now, Aiden is a Hawk, so he's quite fast and as a Bird of Prey, he doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of noise when he's flying, and since Kerian is facing the other direction, he should be in prime position to strike, right? Wrong! Aiden swoops down, he swings his mighty blade and he misses! Kerian side steps at the last possible second, grabs Aiden's extended arm, spin him around and slams him right into the dirt, face first. Now, I want Kerian to hold his arm in a highly uncomfortable arm bar like position and possibly step on Aiden's back, in order to keep him still while he uses his super cool Necromancer/Vaikas powers of death to shatter all the bones in Aiden's wings and more likely then not giving a very, Count Adimar like speech. "In what World could you have ever beaten me?" Ya know, that sort of thing.

And then! Kerian stomps on Aiden's neck, killing his little brother before he moves on to finish off Hiroshi. Which he will not get the chance to do, because as I'm sure none of you remember, Hiroshi made Aiden a very special talisman of Ressurection with forbidden Alchemy, just in case the worst should happen. Which obviously, it did. Hahaha. Then we move on to Kerian's "Tragic" Death. Now, I'm still tweaking this bit some, so bare with me. But basically what I'm thinking is this, I want Aiden to get Ressurected and then I want him to call Kerian, but then before Kerian can turn around, I want Aiden to slice his Achilles Tendons in half, so that he drops to his knees. And then I want Aiden to call him again. I want sort of the "Gabriel... Oh, Gabriel..." Dracula type feel to it from Van Helsing. Ya know? Anyway, then Aiden will walk around Kerian, and of course, I will have Kerian be in complete shock at this point. In fact, I might even have him say something along the lines of "There ain't no coming back" which is of course, in reference to The Crow. Um, then I will have Aiden run Kerian through the gut with his blade, twist it, drag it back up toward his lungs and then when Kerian is still talking, pull it out and chop his head clean off! Hahaha.

Which I personally, think will work out quite nicely.
Feel free to let me know what you think.
-Lita Kaye


layfon said...

i like it, i feel that when kerian falls you could have one of the other 2 stab both his hands through pinning them to the ground. it is somewhat used a decent amount, but i like the idea of it. and i feel it is a wise action to do seeing that kerians arms are still fine (from my knowledge) and might be able to defend himself or something if nothing is done to them. im also a little confused with the resurection aspect, does it completely regenerate him or does it bring him back to life, because if it regenerates him it should come with a price like say one of his arms starts to die after the battle, or if it brings him back to life you will need to account that his bones are still broken and should cause him a decent amount of pain

Lita said...

Hmmmm, I could perhaps make a reference to The Crow if I stab his hands as well. "Mr. Gideon, you're not paying attention." Hahaha. I'll think about it.

Um, as far as the ressurection talisman goes, what I want to happen is that only the wound that kills him will be healed when he comes back to life. So, his wings will still be broken, he'll still be all cut up and bleeding, but his neck won't be broken anymore. Ya know?

And since Hiroshi made said talisman with Alchemy, he's already "paid" for the transmutation with his own blood. -shrugg- I could make the price higher, but I don't really want to make it too cryptic.

layfon said...

well i fell that a price has been made to make it, but to me there should also be a price from using it. but thats just how i would do it.

Lita said...

Hmm, I do see your point. But if that's not how it works on Full Metal Alchemist! Hahaha.

And as far as "sacrificing" someone's life, in Warehouse 13 whenever someone uses the Pheonix it will ressurect whoever is holding it and then it kills one random person somewhere in the vacinity. I thought about doing something like that, but I'm not sure that I like the concept all that much.

layfon said...

true, they don't do that on fullmetal alchemist, but they don't create artifacts like that either, they create items that usually don't have special properties like that. unless its the humoncoulous which is another person and it takes a lot out of them kinda almost killing them, which i didnt read that it almost killed hiro creating it.

Lita said...

I didn't write a scene for the actual creation of the talisman, because I thought that people might find it to be a little too boring. But Hiro and Aiden do discuss it in the scene when Aiden finds out that Hiroshi made this thing. And because it's "forbidden" Alchemy the physical toll the transmutation takes on Hiro is pretty intense. I'm not sure that I would go as far as to say that it almost kills him though.

layfon said...

you could do something like have him prepareing to do it in secret, then having aiden see a flash or a noise or something when it happening and get a chill down his spine (something bad is happening) and have him run into the room to see hiro passed out looking very pale/white and have the artifact in front of him, or something like that.

Shadow Wolf said...

im liken it. in regards the bow deliema Aiden could use a small cross bow but that falls on the same idea as what you have going. the Cat 3 arm break is nice i do not know how they get in that in your fight but you could also concider a arm wrap and break. it is often used to both arms but one could also work. you can see in in Assassis creeed or i think Jason Borne did it.

i love the Arogorn stab and head cutoff if you want a comic relief in there aiden could get sniped after he stabs the bastard. as he rears up for the slash something could wiss by a kill him. Shadow Wolf does that to the Fire Fox all the time... then gets smacked for it.

Lita said...

Thanks for the input guys! <3

Um... Anyway, as much as I like the idea of Aiden busting in to find Hiroshi passed out on the floor or whatever, Aiden can't be that involved in this. Because basically, what happens is that Hiroshi does this while Aiden is at meeting of the Imperial Court, informing our allies of what has happened and all that fun stuff. So, pretty much, the most I could do with that is have Hiro act strange before Aiden leaves and have Aiden get the shivers while he's at the meeting.

Though it is entirely possible that someone else to could find Hiroshi. Maybe Fiore.

And as for Wolf's comment there, what I'm going to have Kerian do, is throw some sort of low strike that would require Hiroshi to block to the side, then I'm going to have Kerian drop his sword and go for the arm break. Because in that position it would be quick and easy for him to get the lock before Hiroshi could strike again.