Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why... Are You so Old?

Hehehe! Random awkward picture! Hehehe!

And what are we being awkward about?

Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune just pulled up next to us out of nowhere and asked Jupiter to get into the car?!

Super awkward!!

Hey Guys!

Sorry that I haven't been posting much lately.

Taking 6 classes all at the same time was a bit more difficult then I'd imagined.
I know that you're all completely and throughly distraught because of the lack of current posts and insane rabblings from the mind of yours truly.

No really. Thanks for missing me.




Anyway, I'm super bored and stuck at school with like an hour to kill before my next class and since it's tuesday there's like no body here for me to harass. Soooooo, I thought that I'd have a bit of fun with this post and introduce you to Emma's favorite band, Vorock Sarrjinsky and The Partially Hydrogenated Soy Beans!! Now, don't steal that name because if I ever actually start a band, you can bet your ass that that's what I'm gonna call it! Hahaha. Anyway, Vorock and the Soy Beans has 4 members.

Kitty Nightroad

Spike von Phuck

Gabriel Darkholme


They are like Sick Puppies mets Alice Cooper mets Dir en Grey times LArc en Ciel with a little twist of Bon Jovi in there! Hahaha. Which probably sounds like a pretty strange combination to you. But to me it sounds like some Deliscous Musical Fusion?! -twitch-

Anyway, I'll make some super ridiculous SIMS of these people for you either when I get home or tomaro. Because finals don't actually start until Thursday and I'll have a little bit of time.

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