Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Would Give Everything I Own

I Would Give Everything I Own,

Give up My Life,

My Heart,

My Home,

I Would Give Everything I Own,

Just to Have You Once Again


Alright, so remember how I said that in my World we had two Suns? Well, I would just like to clear some things up about that. Firstly! This is not some weird Milky Way sort of thing that just so happens to have two Stars at the center of it. Okay? It's a Binary System.

A Binary System being a pair of Stars that orbits around each other.

Like so,
I think that they are really, really cool. It's a cool concept. They're cool looking. I just like everything about them. Now, I will admit that I haven't done much research on the subject yet. But I will! I promise! Hahaha. Anyway, from what I understand, in a Binary System there tends to be a Primary Star and then a lesser Compainion Star. Now, in my World, Umbriel shall be the Primary Star and Ceres will have to be the Compainion Star. Just because that is how I want it.

Now, as I said before, I haven't done much research yet. So, I don't know what the specifics of how a Binary System's orbit works and what not. But I think that what I'm going to do is make it so that when Umbriel, the larger Star appears largest in the skys over Zarius, it will be Summer time! Because it's bigger, so it would be warmer. And then when Ceres is closer to the planet, since it's a smaller Star, it'll be Winter time!

I'm so logical! Yaaaay!

Now, I don't want to go quite to this extreme, but I do want Umbriel and Ceres to be slightly diffrent colors. One because it looks super cool and secondly because the the chemical composition of the two Stars are obviously diffrent! Hahaha. Obviously.

And um, I have decided that all of that bullshyt about the cursed castle in Book 3, the one that disappears at the end of the Lunar Eclipse is stupid and we're not doing that anymore. Nope! It's just going to be the half destroyed remains of some castle from the old days that Kikyo just decides is a good place to set up shop. Hmkay? Kay!

Oh! But I might keep the Lunar Eclipse in the plotline, just because I kind of like the idea of said Eclipse making Selene more powerful. Because it makes sense to me that a Shadow Demon like herself would be most powerful when there is no light in the sky, ya know? And I think it's a cool concept. And I honestly don't care if you think that it's over used! -cough, cough- Tim! -cough-

Also, I love the dynamic it creates for my final battle scenes and let's face it, Selene will need all the help that she can physically get in order to even hold her own against, Angel. Haha.

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