Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Funk of Fourty Thousand Years

Well hello My Dear Sweet Loyal Fans! I said that I'd work on them and I did! So, may I introduce to you, Vorock Sarrjinsky and The Partially Hydrogenated Soy Beans! TADA!?!!

Spike Von Phuck

This is Spike Von Phuck!?!! He plays lead guitar for Vorock Sarrjinsky. He's go very pretty, deep blue eyes and a cool barbed wirey looking tattoo on his face. The way that his hair looks changes often, but it's almost always a shade of blue. With maybe some purple thrown in there. Hahaha

Gabriel Darkholme

Gabriel Darkholme!! Gabriel plays the Bass for The Soy Beans. He's sort of the mad hatter of the group and is always dressed to the nines in the attire of a gothic gentlemen, complete with his ever presant top hat. Though how he keeps from passing out under the hot stage lights, no one will ever know. Gabriel doesn't talk much, and he rarely sings. But he writes the majority of the band's music and he certianly fits the image of a dark brooding bassit, doesn't he? Haha.

Kitty Nightroad

Little Miss Kitty Nightroad plays the Drums and occasionally sings back up. She loves Cats and her name, so she more often that not wears Cat Ears and a Collar to concerts and interveiws and such. She's energetic and in addition to her rockin roll skills on the drums, her personality has made her a fan favorite. Haha.


Artimus... Has no last name! Haha. Artimus is the Lead Singer. He's got a very distinctive voice, making it very hard to confuse his vocals for another band. Which adds yet another dimension to The Soy Beans unique sound. Artimus is usually in the company of a little blue dragon, named Misstress De Winter, that perches on his shoulder. No one outside of the band has ever gotten a very good look at De Winter, so it's hard to say whether she's a stuffed animal or an animatronic puppet or if she's a real Dragon. All anyone can tell you is that the Misstress De Winter has been wowing audiances nearly as long as Vorock Sarrjinsky has. Hahaha.

Anyway, that's Vorock Sarrjinsky and The Partially Hydrogenated Soy Beans?! Aren't they hott?! Hahaha. I'm happy with the way they came out. They're kind of bad ass! Especially Kitty and Artimus!

Um, also, I don't think I mentioned this before, but all of these names that I chose for these guys, where just random things that I came up with that sounded kind of cool. And that each and every one of their appearances was constructed after I chose their name. Not before. Which is kind of cool, or at least I think that it is, because most people do it the other way and stuff like that... And, um, I guess that that's it!?

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