Saturday, September 25, 2010

Om Nom Nom Girlfriend!?!!

This is Tristan, The Moleclue Monster
...... OF DEATH!
Fear him.
Love him.
Look forward to seeing many, many photophucked pictures of him.

Anyway, I have decided that my timeline is complete crap. Which means that it must be fixed! Obviously. Hahaha. Ummmm, I haven't completely finished fixing it yet, but I'll show you what I have so far. But why post about it before I'm done fixing it? Because, I started typing this stupid post nearly a week ago, thinking that I would have the stupid thing finished by now, and it's starting to drive me a little insane!?!! And that is why I am posting my brand new, totally fabulous, incomplete timeline. Deal with it. Hahaha.
Moving right along,
-Emma is three years old when she gets seperated from her family.
-Fouteen years Later-
-Seventeen years old now, Emma returns Home.
-Four years Later-
-Emma and Angel turn twenty one and Kerian starts a war for the throne.
-A couple months Later-
-Serena is born!
-Three years Later-
-Kerian is brought back from the Dead! Angel gets stabbed and poisoned and just generally maimed and then she's crowned Queen of Zarius!
-About a year Later-
-Zareck is born! And Angel and Krys get married.
-Four years Later-
-Serena is eight years old! And Zareck is four! Yay, happy family! Then Kikyo comes along and kidnaps Serena and Eclipse intending to kill them and steal their powers for herself. Sounds like fun, right?
Hahahha. Yea. so That's the main plot line. I'll post again about Blaise and the RoQuero'Kubeh, and Nicademus and Kai's plotlines. Ya know, after I stop procrastinating and finish them. Hahaha.
But speaking of Blaise! I have decided that he needs to be older. I think that I had originally had him being only a year or two older then Eclipse, which would make him twenty two, twenty three years old. And just recently, like literally ten minutes ago, I decided that a year or two is not enough. So, I think I'll have him start off at like twenty seven or so. Kay? So, when Emma is seventeen and Eclipse is twenty one, Blaise shall be twenty seven! Which sounds like a much better plan to me at the moment, but who knows? I could change my mind. Hahaha.

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