Thursday, October 7, 2010

Death by Tray It Shall Be!

Welcome back Tristan!
And Random Guy in the background...?
It's FINALLY October!!
YAY! -happy dance-
Epic Shyt Happening This Month,
Anyway, moving right along. This post has a point. And I will get to it, eventually, but right now, I HAZ TACO SALAD NOMZ!?!! XD

......And now for the point! I have decided that Darnell needs a partner! Yes, that's right an actual partner. An equal. A friend. Because Darnell is a team player. Sure, he is literally a one man army. But that doesn't mean that he can't play well with others. I mean, lookit how well he works with The RoQuero'Kubeh!

But just one though. I hesitate to turn this into The A Team and create Darnell an entire troop of friends, because knowing his personality, I think having to work with that many people all at once, all the time would annoy the ever loving shyt out of him. Nonononono, Darnell is definately more of a " The One Person That I Can Count On" sort of guy. So, I shall make him a partner!

I haven't decided what I'm going to call him yet, but I have decided that I want him to be a perfect solider, just like Darnell. And that he shall be a Sniper. That way, when Darnell charges blindly into a situation, like he has a tendancy to do, this guy can cover him. I've also decided that he and Darnell will have been the BEST OF FRIENDS ever since college. And that Darnell should be the one to have introduced this guy to his wife. And I have decided that he shall be black.

Hehehehe. I want him to look something like Link, from The Matrix. <3>
Anyway, The only downside to this fantastic plan is that I'd have to kill him. I know, I know! But if he exists then he must die! Darnell has to enter the Makai alone. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! Hahaha. I'm sorry, that's just how it is.

Soooooo yea. I guess that's it for this post. I'll starting working on getting Darnell's friend and his wife a couple of names and some real, made by me, character references, eventually... Oh! And I finally finished all of the Timelines. Not just Emma's, but all of them. And I put them all together and everything makes sense chronologically now. So, if I can figure out how to post said timelines in a way that is not uber confusing, then I will. And if not, then ya'll will just have to deal with being confused. Hahahaha. You should be used to it by now, right?

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