Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mundo Jag Agg

Alice Cooper was Awesome!
But then again, he always is, isn't he?
....And if you don't agree with that statement, then just get out. Leave my Blog never to return again FOUL TRAITOR!?!!!
But yea! Alice Cooper was super awesome?! His opening band, The Murder Dolls, was significantly better then the guys who opened for him last time, Wednesday 13, but they still weren't that great. Ya know what would be great though? If Sick Puppies opened for Alice Cooper!?!! I would totally die if that ever happened. Best Concert Ever.
Anyway, I'm getting off topic again. Last year when I saw Alice, he was on tour promoting his new CD, Along Came A Spider. So the entire show was Stephen themed. Which was really, really cool. This year, however, he was just on tour. So he sang a lot of his old stuff. Which is also really, really cool because I love his old stuff too!
And he sang some of my favorites! ^^ Like "Vicious Young Man" and "Poison" and "Billion Dollar Babies." And! Get this, Alice killed himself on stage four times! Once via a gaint, ten foot syringe that injected him with like three feet of acid green liquid. Then he was beheaded via a Guillotine. And then they hung him! And then he was put in one of those Chest of Sword things and squewered!! It was really pretty freaking epic.
I have decided however, that I am NOT a fan of Rob Zombie. Nope. In fact, I think that he's pretty much a hack. I mean is music is very good. But his lyrics suck. And his voice isn't that great. I mean the chorus to one of his wongs was literally, "Rock Mother Fucker, Rock The Mother Fuckers, Sick Bubble Gum," .....What the hell?
And as anyone who has ever seen Alice Cooper knows, he doesn't have much in the way of stuff going on while he's performing. He's got one to three dancers, the sword, cane, or crutch that he holds in his hand, and whatever he uses to kill himself with. That's it as far as props and that sort of thing goes. Rob Zombie on the other hand, had a gaint robots, fire and confettii and bunch of big TV screens flashing pictures of boobs on behind him. Which I think was done in an effort to distract people from noticing that he's not actually that good. Hahaha.
All in All, awesome concert. Oh! And my teddy bear's name is Vincent. In reference to Alice's real name, of course. Isn't he cute!?

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