Friday, September 10, 2010

Hair All Frizzed Out with Angry Thoughts

Alright. So, the other day, I was thinking about the last time that I listened to a friend prattle on and on about her stupid Girl Porn, a.k.a. Romance Novels. I'm fairly certian that the reason this conversation started was because I was hating all over Twilight and Werewolves in general, so naturally she began to tell me all about "Shifters" in the realm of super lame Girl Porn Novels.

Did you guys know that in the Universe of Girl Porn Novels, there are such things as Were-Bears and Were-Tigers and so on and so forth? How messed up is that? Honestly. Anyway, I am sitting there thinking 'What the phuck?' Because I realized almost immediately that in all of these stupid Girl Porn Stories about Shifters, they did not use a single animal that was not "Pretty" or "Sexy," if you know what I mean.

And honestly, how messed up is that? I mean really, I would looove to live in the Girl Porn Universe where ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE is inhumanly beautiful and powerful and mysterious and sexy and you never have to date any jerks because EVERYONE has a soul mate within a 5 miles radius of their house and he or she falls instantly in love with you, just because you exist. However, this is reality. Or what passes for reality in the Girl Porn Universe. And such madness does not happen!? It just doesn't. And in my, most expert opinion, if the "Gods" or "Genetic Reseachers" or whatever, were going to create such beings that they would and should naturally go for whatever animals possess the most extreme and well polished of survival traits on the planet. But clearly, that is not what happened here.

So, since the Girl Porn Universe is clearly not concerned about using animals with Genetic Superiority, I have decided to make a stand for less attractive animals by writting my own string of stories documenting the TOTALLY EPIC ADVENTURES of a bunch of highly unlikely, completely kick ass Shifters. Hahaha.

I haven't decided exactly what animals I'm going to use yet. But I know for a fact that I'm going to use the following,
-Angler Fish

Hahahaha. I'm also considering using,
Sloth, Emu, Walrus, Red Panda, Chipmunk, Crow, Fruit Bat, Tarantula, Poisonous Dart Frog.

Anyway, that's my super awesome, random post of the month. Enjoy it Dearies.

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