Friday, September 17, 2010

Killer Tofu!

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare yourselves to witness,
But without pictures,
Because I am far too lazy for to be making SIMS right at this moment,
But instead I have....
Umm.... CAPS LOCK!?!!!
So, as you may or may not know, I have a cute, new boyfriend!?!! His name Tim, but I call him, Princeling. Because he seriously looks like he belongs in Lord of The Rings. I mean, I swear to gawd, he looks just like a freakin Elf! And so far, I think that he's kinda perfect. ^/////^ But let's not get into that right now.... Hahahaha.
Alright so the other night, we were discussing his natural talents not only for being super sweet and charming, but for being able to turn me into a giggling, exceptionally feminine, bubble headed fool each and every time he says something sweet AND for being able to time such sweet, charming comments so that just when I am FINALLY getting to the point where I can stop smiling and giggling like a stupid School Girl, HE DOES IT AGAIN!?!! Hehehe.
Well, actually, maybe discussing is the wrong word. I was accusing him of being able to do all of these things. Which obviously he can. Obviously! Then we decided that because he has these MYSTICAL powers over me, that he must be A SUPER HERO! And I admit that the fact that I even suggested such a thing, was greatly influenced by Eddie Izzard and his "I have Decided to Associate with Super Heros" rant, but that is really irrelevant to my point now isn't it? Hahaha. So, at first he was skeptical. Thinking that he would be a lame super hero if he had powers such as these. But I convinced him otherwise with a response that said THIS!?!!
Random Citizen: Oh help us Captain Elf Boy! We need a girly female for some baizarre reason and we're fresh out! Whatever shall we do!?!!
Captain Elf Boy: No problem Random Citizen! -turns to me- Liz! You are a cute little Cat Girl and I love you more then my new video games!
Bubbly Cat Girl: Awwww! <3>
Random Citizen: Thank you Captain Elf Boy! You've saved the day!?!!
More or less. Hahaha. I changed some of the words and added a bit more description to make it sound just a bit less retarded. But yea, TADA!?!! And earlier today we decided that Captain Elf Boy and Bubbly Cat Girl's ARCH RIVALS are, Drum Roll please... EMO NINJAS!?!! Yesh! The most evil of evil, EMO NINJAS! Whoose soul purpose in life is too destroy the world by cutting off all of Captain Elf Boy's hair and forcing Bubbly Cat Girl to wear skinny jeans!?!!
......The Horror! THE HORROR!?!!
Hahaha. And the best part? Princeling is an artist! And I haven't seen any of his work yet, but I bet it's FANTASTIC! And I think that we should turn this into a comic book/strip/whatever! Because even if we were the only ones who got it/thought it was funny, it would still kick major bootahy!
And my Blog is doing that annoying thing that its does sometimes where it respaces everything that I've typed all by itself simply because it can.... RAGE!

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