Monday, September 20, 2010

I Rock and I Ramble, My Brain is Scrambled

Okay, so, the other day when I was sitting in Math class, totally paying rapid attention to each and very single word out of the Professor's mouth, like ya do, I had a series of life altering Revelations about my book! Mostly to do with Kikyo and Kiska, but still, LIFE ALTERING! Hahaha. Now, I'ma share them with you, my semi loyal followers and fans.

-Firstly! I have decided that I absolutely hate Kazuo with grey skin. I hate it! Why did you people let me think that THAT was a good idea? Hahaha. So, needless to say, Kazuo shall return to being practically Albino.

-And I have decided to switch Kikyo and Kiska's parts in my book. Kikyo will now be the one kidnapping my husband and daughter and Kiska will be Kerian's daughter/Xanathos's sister. Although I have decided that Kiska's name MUST be changed asap, as I have recently decided that I hate it. OH SO MUCH HATE FOR THAT NAME ALL OF A SUDDEN! Hahaha. I'm leaning toward Selene or Demona, right at this moment, but that could very well change.

Yea. But I've just decided that the character of Kikyo, is far too maniacal and evil to be a pawn in Adrienne's plans like Xanathos is. She deserves to be a major villain. And really, considering on who she is based, is that really that much of a surprise? I don't think so. Anyway, I don't plan to change either of their powers, the girls are just going to swap. And I'm going to redo both of their character references. Because in addition to Kiska's name, I've decided that I hate both of their faces. Hahaha.

-And! I have also decided to change Kikyo's motive for kidnapping Eclipse and Serena. I mean, althought her previous motives did suit my purposes perfectly, they weren't exactly original. Or even particularly interesting. So, they MUST be changed. And I have decided to go with the 'Power Seeker' motivation. Basically, I chose this one because I wrote a short story about a BILLION and a half years ago about Blaise and Vlad, (There's a real surprise, right?) and althought the story sucked I always loved the concept and the way those particular villains operated. So, I'm going to adapt Kikyo's motives to fit this concept. And the best part? I don't have to change anything to fit this cool new motivation. (Hahaha. It's the Jacob Motivation!) All I have to do is add some stuff. Which shouldn't be too bad. I mean, all I have to do is make up a legend and create some kind of weapon or a talisman, a spell, something that will absorb and transfer the power of the people that you kill with it. But I'll brief you some more on that some time in the future. Right now, it's almost completely irrelevant.

-Also! I have decided that it is not conceivable, not even for a Vaikas of Angel's super impressive stature to have fully healed from a such critical injury, inflicted with a poisoned blade within the day or two it takes Adrienne to take over the castle. So, because Angel is a tough, die hard bitch, she will be in the final fight scene of Book Two, and she will kick ass. However, she will not be nearly as impressive as she generally is. I'm also thinking of having her rip out all of the stitches that Krystal so kindly fixed her up with in the process of kicking ass.So, expect to see my beloved sister COVERED IN BLOOD!?!!?!!! At some point during the battle, or perhaps after das battle scene. Hahaha.

-And, I have decided that instead of letting Adrienne escape during the chaos and confusion of the battle at the end of Book two, that she shall be captured and deported to Tethys along side Selene/Demona and Xanathos. And then within days of being there, the troop can run into Kikyo and Kikyo shall cut down Adrienne and steal her power and then recruit Selene/Demona and Xanathos into her army of minions hell bent on WORLD DOMINATION!?!! Hahahaha! And why the hell not? Xana is a Power Hungry Monster with an Inferiority Complex. And Selene/Demona will want revenge. Particularly on Angel, because no body gets away with treating her that way. NO BODY! Hahahha. Yea right, Selene/Demona. Whatever.

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