Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So Any Snooch...

I decided to rewrite a Love Song! Not because I asked for one, but because I need one. And I'm in a super goofy mood! Hahahaha. Alright, so this is the "Bisexual/Bad Romance", Orianthi remix! Enjoy.

According to him I'm stupid,
I'm useless,
And I'm not worth his precious time.
According to him I'm impossible,
hard to please,
forever changing my mind.
I'm a mess at best,
can't get up on time, even if it would save my life.
According to him. According to him.
But according to her I'm beautiful,
Incredible! She can't get me out of her head.
According to her I'm funny, Irresistible!
Everything she ever wanted!
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it,
so baby tell me what I got to lose?
She's into me for everything I'm not, according to him.

According to him I'm boring,
I'm moody, and he can't take me any place.
According to him I suck at video games,
especially the ones he wants to play.
I'm the girl with the worst attention span;
he's the only boy who puts up with that.
According to him. According to him.
But according to her I'm beautiful,
Incredible! She can't get me out of her head.
According to her I'm funny,
Irresistible! Everything she ever wanted.
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it,
so baby tell me what I got to lose?
She's into me for everything I'm not, according to him.

I need to feel appreciated, like I'm not hated.
Why can't you see me through her eyes?
It's too bad you're making me choose.
She's into me for everything I'm not,
According to him.

And according to me you're stupid, you're useless,
you can't do anything right.
According to me she's beautiful,
Incredible! And I can't get her out of my head.
According to me, she's funny,
Irresistible! Everything I ever wanted.
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it,
so baby tell me what I got to lose?
And we're in love dispite everything we're not,
According to you. According to you.

According to him I'm stupid, I'm useless,
I can't do anything right......

So yea! That is how absurdly clever I am. I changed the word "You" to "Him" and the word "Him" to "Her." I am a freaking genius. Hahahaha.

Anyway, this is a pretty popular song and being that I am so NOT mainstream, I'm not entirely sure why I like it as much as I do. I almost never like popular music. But for whatever reason, I like it alot. So there! Deal with it. And that's why I decided to rewrite it. It fits my situation a lot better now, neh? Hahahaha.

Oh and I know you are tempted, but don't even bother to ask me, who "She" is. Because one, she goes to school with me and I can assure you, that you don't know her. And two, I WILL NEVER TELL YOU!?!! So, don't waste your breath..... Or your text. Kay?

Next post will more likely then not, be something that actually applies to my book. Good day loyal fans. I SAID GOOD DAY!?!!


viccicat said...

alrighty then...

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Why did you even bother to post that comment?