Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Might Get Lonely, But I'm Not Alone

Hmmm, I think I may rewrite "Cheetah Sisters" by The Cheetah Girls, because I am a major loser, to be about The RoQuero'Kubeh..... Yes. I think it's a brilliant plan. Hahaha. Anyway, I think it's about time for yet another super irrelevant post. Dontchu? Of course you do!

Dream Chronicles!?!! GO!

Okay, so two days ago I had a dream that was something of a cross between HAIR, The Big Gay Sketch Show and ....WTF!?!! Hahahha.

It started out with me running around a department store with my Bestest Best Friend, Celes, apparently playing hide and seek with a bunch of other people and running away from security guards. And we are having a freakin blast! Then all of a sudden the lights go out. And me and Celes freeze, then somebody yells "It's okay, you can come out now!" Apparently the store has closed for the night. Which means it's party time, obviously.

So me and Celes come out of where ever we were hiding, and walk down to the Prom Dress/Formal section of this store and find a huge dance party! There's like 50 Drag Queens and Hippies dancing all over the place and singing karaoke. Strobe Lights. A stage. Loud Music. It's ridiculous. Then the next thing I know, I'm dressed up like a cross between my Pirate Costume, Super Sailor Moon and some kinda Prom Dress type thing. WITH BUTTERFLY WINGS!?!! I look completely ridiculous. Hahaha. And Celes is spontaneously dressed like Tuxedo Mask. But with Cat Ears and a Tail..... WEIRD!?!!

Anyway, Celes sings the theme song to Sailor Moon in perfect Japanese. While I stand on the stage and dance around in circles and do The Monkey. Then I jump off the stage and everyone starts screaming and clapping as if that were a super impressive feat! YAY ME! Then everything stops all of a sudden and the party is over. Awwww.....

So I leave Celes in the Department Store and walk out into the parking lot with 4 Hippies and 1 Drag Queen, because apparently I need to get something out of my car. So we start walking. And we are literally walking FOREVER!?!! I remember thinking to myself, "Gawd! How far away did I park!?" But as it turns out, we never make it to my car anyway.

Suddenly, we notice someone walking waaaaay far off in the distance. And the guy in front, who I realize at this point is BLAISE!?!! MY BLAISE! Dressed up like Super Hippie, starts screaming "Claude! Claude!" And runs after this super random guy, that you can barely even see, let alone make a positive ID on. Hahahaha. Anyway everyone eles is going, "It's Claude! Ohmigod!" And I'm sitting here going, "Who the hell is Claude!?!" Then everyone else starts running after Blaise.

Anyway, everyone else finally catches up with Blaise. Then Blaise tackles Claude to the ground! And Blaise is like laying, sprawled out on top of this guy on the ground, next to a highway that spontaneously appeared. And "Claude" is just laying there, completely silent. And Blaise is hugging his arm and rubbing his head into Claude's shoulder, like a Kitty. Just happy as a clam. Big dumb smile on his face. And one of the other Hippies asks Blaise what the hell he's doing, and Blaise's only response is "Daddy!" Yes! Apparently Claude, who looks younger then Blaise does mind you, is Blaise's father. Cause that makes sense!

Then the Drag Queen is like, "Claude can't be your Dad! That makes no sense!" And that is when I jump in and say, "HIS NAME IS NOT CLAUDE!?!! IT'S LARS!?!!" Yea. That's right. Lars. Then we have a twenty minute argument about what Claude/Lars' name actually is. And Claude/Lars remains completely silent and impassive the entire time. Hahahaha.

AND THEN!?!!..... I wake up. Because my little Gigi is pouncing all over my bed and attacking my feets under the covers to get me to wake up and feed her. Silly Cat.


viccicat said...

Oh how wicked little kitties can be when they think its food tiems!!

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

You have such weird responses to my dreams...