Monday, June 14, 2010


And for good measure, here is a cute little avatar of Blaise.
And yes. That is a Red Panda draped around his shoulders. YOU ARE JEALOUS!?!! Because Blaise is just that cool.

Now, to the point of this post. I have enabled my blog to allow absolutely anyone to post comments. You don't even need to use your AIM or Google Account User Name. All you have to do is,

-Click on the Comment thing at the bottom of the post

-Type your comment

-Then select either Anonymous or Name/URL

+ Note! If you click name, it will ask you to type in something so that I know who left the comment.

-And finally click Publish your Comment.

Annnnnnd that's it. So feel free to comment on whatever. Gackt knows I could use the feedback.

1 comment:

viccicat said...

I has been a posting mah commentationings all nitez!!! Sheesh!!!! Keep it comming luv!!