Monday, June 14, 2010

The Point is, I'm A Tiki God

Okay. So I am feeling the need to be productive right now. (Which makes the fact that I have Writer's Block like you wouldn't even believe, suck even more then it already does. Thanks for nothing stress...) So I began work on Aiden's father literally right after I finished Eilonwy. And the end result is kind of plain looking, but I loooove his eyes, and he really doesn't play that big of a role in the main arc of my story anyway.
This is what Kai used to look like...
Hahahaha. I wasn't entirely serious when I was working on Kai the first time, so he looks a little goofy with his DBZ Scouter, glitched shoulder dragon and badly textured hair. However, now that I have changed his name to Valken and actually worked on him seriously, he looks much better. And a bit more Kingly. Hahaha.

Yep. I gave him a ponytail. Hahaha. I really like his new hair. Still, I think he looks a little plain. So I may consider giving him a tattoo or a pair of smexy goggles or something like that. Or maybe, I'll try the little shoulder dragon again. That was cute... Anyway, normally I would lean toward scarring his pretty face as opposed to tattoo-ing it. But seeing as his older brother Nicademus, has a huuuuuge scar across his face, I thought it might be best not to over use the scars. Hahaha. Unless of course, I decide to change the story of how Nic got that scar and instead have Nic and Valken get scarred together!?!! ....But even then, I like the story of how Uncle Nic got his scar. And even if they were fighting the same opponent why would both Nic and Valken end up with scars all over their faces anyway? -ramble, ramble- I guess, I just find that to be an unlikely scenario. I mean unless this man was specifically aiming to maim your face.... But why on Earth would he do that? The face is not generally the main target in a sword fight. Anyway, don't be surprised if I post pictures of Valken again, because as I said, I think he looks a bit plain at the moment...... I also just realized that I gave him the wrong eyes. (Gawd Dammit!?!!) -sigh- Valken is supposed to have the same Blue/Purple eyes that he had in his original reference photo.... Whatever. I'll just post about him again. Seriously though, even with the wrong eyes and the fact that he looks plain, Valken still looks a lot better then Kai ever did, neh? Hahaha. Let me know what you think.


viccicat said...

I agree, the old kai would function better as a nameless pirate or something. I like the new look and I liked the little dragon, maybe he could be added back.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Pherhaps. Pherhaps. He was a very cute dragon...