Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Wonder Why it Always Has to Hurt

Okay, so there is no breaking news for me to report to you today. However, I did have a thought the other day, that may be worth mentioning. If not for the opinions of my LOYAL fans, that I'm sure I won't receive, for my own records should I ever decide to go back and change the plot line of my book a 35th time. And that thought is,

What if I killed off Eclipse in the Final Battle of Part One?

It would, without a doubt change the entire ending of the book, which I have already started writing mind you. And wreak utter havoc on the plotline of the sequals to my book, which I have already planned out extensively. But still, as anyone who actually read through the plot line of my Amanda/Dresden Drama knows, I love the dramatic effect of having one spouse die when the other one is pregnant. For which I blame Sandra Bullock. Hahaha.

Anyway, if I did this then Zareck and Serena would have to become twins, because obviously if Eclipse is dead then he can't get Emma pregnant a second time, can he? No. I also think that if this was the case then I wouldn't let Kazuo do nearly as much damage to Emma as he does in the current plot line. I also may use Eclipse's death as a smoke screen to divert everyone's attention from Kerian, so he can escape. And if I killed Eclipse now, then in Part Two, Kerian could ressurect Eclipse instead of Adrienne ressurecting Kerian. Which has the potiental to be very epic.

However, as much as I find the dying to save you, pregnant spouse thing, to be touching and hopeful and such, I'm afraid that it'll just be too emo. And Eclipse is certianly no Boromir. So, I probably won't do it. Besides, I've already written most of the ending and I like the way it's coming out so far. But still, the possiblities are interesting to ponder.

Betrayal is The Willful Slaughter of Hope


viccicat said...

Not that I want to mak you feel like you should alter a storyline for the fandom... but I would not want to see eclipse die, here.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

I said I probably wasn't going to do it. It was just a thought... -_-