Okay so, I've narrowed down the options for the design of Valken's ear ring. I did decide that a tribal symbol would be best, for a couple different reasons, so all of the options are tribal looking symbols. Deal with it.... And here we go!

This is the first one. It's pretty cool looking. A little long though....

I like this one a lot. It's very cool looking. Although, I think if I were to use this one that I would have to make it an ear cuff instead of just an ear ring. Just because of the way it curves, I think it would look better.
This is an ear cuff, by the way...

I like this one a lot as well. However, I think it may be just a bit too large. And perhaps a bit too ornate for this particular piece of jewelry. I also think it looks just a bit too much like a tattoo. So I probably won't use this one.

I like this one too. It's very simple. Kind of understated, but still pretty cool. Of course, it would have to be made black. Because I have decided that this ear ring shall be black titanium! Hahaha. Surprise. Surprise. Right? Hahaha.

And this is the last one. I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of leaning toward this one. I mean, it's simple. It's cool looking. Etc. Etc. However, if I use this one, then I may well have to add a small jewel to it. Probably at the bottom where the hole is. Not sure what color tho.... Emerald Green, maybe. Hahaha.
So yea... Those are my options. I'm leaning toward the curved long one, the silver one and the last one, let me know what you think! And remember Valken only wears one on his right ear. And after Kerian kills him, Aiden takes it and it becomes his one ever present accessory. Kay? Kay. Good! DISSMISSED!?!!
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