Tada! As promised, this is yet another post about Valken! I went back into the SIMS to fix Valken's eyes so that they matched the Original picture references of Kai. However, upon looking at them, without that ridiculous hair and the bright blue dragon to compliment them, I found that I didn't like them as much anymore. So, I made a few more options. Enjoy.

These are the eyes that I accidently gave Valken in the last post. They are also Atreyu's eyes. They are really pretty. Light purple with little flecks of blue in there.

These are the eyes that Kai had in the original picture references. They are a little bit brighter. And these too are pretty. I'm just not sure that they look right anymore.

And these are by far, my favorite. They are much darker then the first two. Teal and dark purple. But I think that they suit him. Kinda dark and intense looking. Much more suited to Valken's personality. So, unless someone can convince me other wise, I am going to go with these ones.
Also, not that anyone cares, but I figured out what was missing!?!! I'm going to give Valken an earring. Just one. Probably in the right ear. I haven't decided what I want it to look like yet, but I'm working on that.
At the moment, I am leaning toward something along the lines of a tribal symbol. Perhaps with a small jewel in it or something. I'm pretty sure that I want it to be black titanium, because it's super sexy. Hahaha. But other then that I'm not really sure. Just something simple. And I'll post about that eventually. Tell me whatchu think. Good night.
i'm loving your new template. and the title of this post.
Completely irrelevant to my post. But thanks anyway...
sorreh.. when i first read it, i was slightly confused, and a bit more attracted to the backround of stars. i was very tired that daym i actually yelled, 'OOH, SHINEY!!'
i'll be honest. i can't really see any purple in the eyes of the first picature. it actually looks like a water blue.. if water was actually blue. no flecks either. might've changed once it got transferred to the net.
i like the last one, but the second pic is the best. that shade of blue gives him a look of adorableness. and i like the color.
heyy, just out of curiousity, have you read my blog lately? i need some perspective, an i wondered if you'd help me with that. i will, too, it's just hard for me to get to a computer. not as simple as it used to be, sadly.
Meh. I personally don't think that the second pair are mature enough looking for Valken. After all, he's not supposed to be adorable. He is the previous King of Zarius, he's not a child.
I mean, I have always intended for him to have something of a playful side to his personality. But in the main arch of the story, 98% of which he is dead, it's really not important for him to be whimsical.
oh, i see.^^ well, blue of that shade is kinda child-like looking for a character who was a previous king. that's okay, tho. i really like it.
I'm going to use the third pair.
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