Thursday, July 8, 2010

But... Sock!

Alright, so I was watching Warehouse 13, (Epic show by the way. I highly reccomend that you check it out, should you ever get the chance.) and they found an artifact that will automatically bring you back from the dead, if you die while in possesion of it. However, the catch is, that some one else dies in your place. It's called The Phoenix of something... which once belonged to someone..... who did things and had fun....

Blah, Ditty, Blah, Blah, THE HISTORY IS IRREVELANT!?!! The point is that it got me thinking about my Book and the Final Boss Battle. What a freakin surprise, huh?

Anyway, I started thinking that maybe I could use this concept to change the Final Battle a little bit. I mean, it is a bit ridiculous. Every single bone in both of Aiden's wings is instantly shattered and he plummets to the ground from a million feet up, at a billion miles per hour and he survives? Granted, my father is super tough son of a bitch. But still, I'm starting to think that that may be pushing it.

So, I was thinking that perhaps, Aiden should die on impact. And that I should have Hiroshi create an Alchemy based version of the Phoenix, which will save his beloved husband's life. I already have a scene planned for the night before the battle begins, in which Aiden and Hiroshi have a heart to heart. Because Hiroshi is worried that Aiden is going to be killed because that is obviously Kerian's intent. And Aiden reassures him that he would never die! (Or trip.) So it really wouldn't be very hard at all to work The Phoenix into this conversation.

Ummm, I kinda like the idea of someone else dying in your place. However, that may be a bit to Twilight Zone-y for me. So I was thinking that maybe, while Hiroshi is working on creating this thing, I could mention that Hirohsi read somewhere that someone else may die in place of whoever is in possesion of the Phoenix. And then negate that effect because Hiroshi is not a normal Alchemist, but a Blood Alchemist. So the Equivalient Exchange Law or Blood Sacrifice has already been paid.

Anyway, I really like this idea. I think it'll make Aiden's triumphant return much more dramatic. And create an oppertunity for Aiden and Hiroshi to have, yet another moment. <3 Which is always super cute. And it'll give Blaise an actual reason to hold Angel back. Instead of him just sensing something.

But the question is, is this a dumb idea? Let me know what you think!


Shadow Wolf said...

well jazz i like the idea of Aiden dieing but are you planning on going into who actually dies in return because if not the concept is pointless. if you are maybe you luck out and its some jackass

Lita Kaye said...

Meow. Well, as I said, I may not have anyone die in Aiden's place, simply because in order to make the Phoenix Hiroshi would have to use a fair amount of his own blood. Which would be a blood sacrifice. Although it wouldn't be equivalient exchange.

However, I could kill someone off in his stead. Not sure who though... I almost think it should be someone a bit more significant then one of Kerian's random pawns. However, there are no other significant bad guys, so I may have no other choice. Hhahaa.

layfon said...

well if your going to have it kill someone you cant have it kill one of the bad guys, that just doesn't make sense. it makes a lot of sense to kill off one of the good guys from using it, since the goods are using it and if its the bad guys it would technically have the chance to kill the main bad guy and how much sense would that make... the villian kills the king but oh look, he has an awesome artifact that just reverses the death and kills the guy who did it instead?