Alright!? So who is psyched to finally see the Best Man/Groom's Men suits that I designed for Xander, Sabastian and Blaise to wear at Emma and Eclipse's wedding!?!! .... If you're not psyched you sure as hell should be, I think they came out super awesome!
Kay, so as anyone who actually know me would know, I have a sick obsession with Jrock in all of it's forms and functions. (For instance, at this very moment, I am listening to my new favorite Jrockers, a girl group called, SCANDAL.)
And... well Blaise. Don't ask me why, but Blaise has a hand in just about everything that I write. He even had a hand in designing my Bride's Maid Dresses! Which is odd. And may I remind you, that the sneaky Keratin wasn't even supposed to be in the first part of my book. Hahaha. Ah yesh, that's my Blaise alright. Sometimes I feel like he's more real then my own boyfriend! And isn't that just a little bit sad. Haha.... But we are getting off subject here. MOVING ON!?!!

Behold! This is the plain-ish white shirt, that my boys will be wearing under their suit jackets!?!! -gasp- It is kinda Jrock-y because of the funky collar and the way the sleeves open up at the bottom. It's also got a bunch of superfluous buttons, which is always a feature in just about any Jrock Outfit. And I like the way that the bottom is not cut evenly, but is instead cut into over exaggerated points. I think it looks very cool. This shirt will NOT be tucked in by the way...
Um, in order to give you guys a bigger, more detailed picture of this shirt, I trolled Ebay and looked at a bazillion different pictures of ACTUAL Jrockers. However, I could find no equivalent to this particular shirt. Everything had ruffles or was black or covered by a jacket or had the sleeves cut off or something. So, this bitty little Gaia image will just have to do for now.

And BEHOLD!?!! This is the jacket that my men shall be wearing over their white shirts! -super gasp- Isn't it cute? Of course it is! Note the big silver buttons and the Little silver chains, on the sides that serve absolutely no purpose. I think they sort of complete the look. Hahaha. Anyway, they boys will be wearing this jacket open, just as it's shown. Because I said so! And thankfully for you, my loyal readers, I was able to find the equivalent of this little Gaia image on Ebay, so that you may veiw it in more detail! Yay!

I like the look of the extra silver studs because it makes the jacket look just a little more Punk Rock-y. So I think I may keep them, in addition to the side details on the other jacket. -nod nod- In my mind it looks very good..... In my mind!
And in between the plain white, Jrock dress shirt and the jet black, studded Jrock jacket, my men shall be wearing a vest! Yesh, a vest! ...I know! It's madndmess!?!! Now, each of the Groom's Men will be wearing a different colored vest. And the color of the vest will correspond to the dress of whoever they are walking down the aisle with. For example, Xander walks down the aisle with Andromina and her dress is blue, so his vest will aslo be blue.
Um, I haven't decided about ties yet. I mean, over all, the suits are very Human World. And Human World suits and weddings generally require ties and such. However, I'm not entirely sure that I want to go as far as to make everyone wear ties. I mean really....
Anyway, WHO WANTS TO SEE THIS LITTLE OUTFIT ALL PUT TOGETHER AND MODELED BY CHIBI REPRESENTATIONS OF EMMA'S WEDDING PARTY!?!! Hahaha. Note that I did, Blaise's suit first, (big surprise there.) so I have two chibis of everyone. One of each character in Blaise's suit and one in the color appropriate suit. Hahaha. Enjoy.

Sir Bashington is the Best Man. So he shall be wearing a red vest, because he is walking down the aisle with Angel.

Xander, the hilarious and adorable! Shall be walking down the aisle with Andromina, there for his vest is blue.

BEHOLD (for a third time, dontcha know.) BLAISE!?!! Blaise shall be wearing a purple vest. Because Blaise will be walking down the aisle with Krystal.
Um, also I am going to let my men wear boots. Black leather boots, of whatever style they wish. (As long as they are clean. Hahaha.) Because I want them to be comfortable-ish. And dress shoes are not comfortable. Nor do they exist in The Makai. IN THE MAKAI WE WERE COMBAT BOOTS 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR EVERY OCCASION!?!! Hahaha.
And the pants are pretty much just plain black slacks. Kinda loose. Ya know nothing special. At the moment, I am leaning toward keeping the boy's boots partially hidden by requiring that their pants go over the top of them. However, I could be persuaded to let Xander tuck the hem of his pants into the top of his boots, as is his custom. But I haven't decided yet.
Annnnnnd aren't all my little chibis, just sooooo cute? I think so. But then again, I am a bit biased. Hahaha. Anyway, if you were paying close attention to these super cutesy pictures, then you will have noticed a few things.
One, the purple vest that I have a picture of everyone wearing has a traditional, flat bottom. Where as the color coded ones do not. They are cut into points at the bottom, to match the dress shirt. Annnnnd, I have no idea which one I prefer! I mean, I like the look of both of them, just about the same. So I'm not sure which one to chose. Which one do you think looks better? Innnpuuuutttt please!
Another thing that you may or may not have noticed is, the belts. I put a silver belt with a black heart belt buckle on Blaise, because I thought it looked cool. However, I don't think that I will be making said belt mandatory for the wedding. Simply because, I was just goofing around with Blaise. I wasn't being entirely serious when I started working on these suits. And truth be told, they are rather silly looking and kind of feminine. So, I'll probably just leave them out. But don't let that discourage you from commenting on Blaise's belt. I mean hey, if you like them THAT much, MAYBE I'll keep them. Hahaha.
Soooooo, yea. I think that's all I have to say on this subject. Input would be nice. And in my next post, I intend to discuss Emma's wedding dress. Which I have photo phucked. And perhaps finally make a decision about whether Eclipse should wear a formal style tux or his Captain's uniform. After all he is a military man. Til then,
well all it can say is that the pointed vest goes more with the shirt than the flat does that is less you want to be unmatching. for the record if the situation called for i would not tuck my pants in the boots... and of course thanks for the lack of dress shoes.
Wolf tucks his pants into his shoes ALL the time! Hahaha. So I thought I'd just leave that option out there.
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