Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Soul Selects It's Own Society

So, I had a weird dream last night.
Would you like to hear about it?
Of course you would!

So, me and my ex boyfriend and Nathan Fillian are just chilling out in one of those like sketchy service hallways that you find in like the back of the mall, sort of dimly lit, totally blank walls, a little skanky. And we're literally just chilling, not even talking. Then all of a sudden like a huge... um, not an aircraft carrier but like one of those big planes that opens up in the back, bashes through the wall on the other side of the hallway. And the thing in the back opens up and Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston and fracking Captain Hook....

Cause that makes any sense at all, and get this it gets even better, cause the three of them start shooting fracking Lazar beams at us! My ex boyfriend gets shot almost immediately, and I look at Nathan like we got to do something bro and he looks at me like, ohmigod what?! Cause apprently I got stuck with the Castle version of Nathan.
So, I take his gun from him and army roll over to where they are, shoot Tom Hiddleston in the knee and then kick him in the face. To which Boromir responded,
IN MY MIND?! Anyway, after that, Chris gets mad at tackles me off screen and I wake up. Haha. Captain Hook didn't do a damn thing, just did stood there and looked pretty. And I don't know if Chris killed me or I killed him or if we got to have sex or any of that fun stuff. Hahaha. Just another bizarre dream that makes no sense. X3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have some really really strange dreams hun.