Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Built Like A Brick, Son

This is a personal post, there will be rambling and ranting and swearing. You don't care for that then don't read it. I personally don't care, but I don't particularly like bitching at people directly so I'm doing this instead.

So, what's the topic of my rage for today you ask? Bitches commenting on my clothing, that's what. I'm not going to get into rape culture and media influences and how I hate the majority of men on this planet for objectifying my sex, and instead I'm just going to say that I have body image issues! And I go to an all girls school, you would think that if anyone was going to understand girls with body image issues it'd be other fucking girls with body image issues! And where do you think that this would be most accepted? At an all girls school! And is it? Clearly not.

I was wearing a skirt. A black skirt that I happen to love and wear all the time. And yes it is short, but not indecently short, I'm completely covered while wearing it. No one has seen my underwear. And yet the last three times that I have worn it on this campus bitches have felt the need to comment on this stupid skirt! I was indirectly called a prostitute, I have had people assume that I was banging some guy because I just happened to be wearing this skirt when a guy happened to be around. Are you guys fucking serious? I repeat, I have body image issues! Do you even know how long it took me to get to a place where I felt comfortable even wearing a skirt at all?! I went to high school in the middle of no where suburbia with a bunch of rich white kids and their perfect blond anorexic girlfriends, I was picked on and called fat ass and all of that bullshit my entire school career! It's not my fault that I've got a big butt! And then it's like I get into college and the world opens up a bit and suddenly I start to feel better about myself, guys are paying attention to me all of a sudden, I get girlfriends that are actually supportive and then bam! I come here and suddenly I'm getting picked on again?! Apparently I was safer in Brockton with the gang members! So I repeat, fuck you bitches. I am completely covered and I will wear whatever I damn well please and you have no right to make fun of me for what I'm wearing! Especially not when there are plenty of skinny bitches walking around this campus wearing skirts or shorts even shorter then mine.

But honestly, the thing that pisses me off most is the lack of sisterhood and respect here. One of the girls that called me a prostitute is short and overweight. I would never call her a fat ass or a sumo wrestler or the fucking Pillsbury dough boy or any of that shit! Ever. And I would never to anything to someone wearing an extremely low cut top or someone who's thong can be clearly seen because their jeans are so god damn low. I just wouldn't! I would never say something that would make someone else feel bad about themselves and I don't think that it's too much to ask that other people give me the same courtesy. Honestly! This is a full 3 days later and people are still coming up to me and asking about this god damn skirt. Fuck you all. It's none of your bussiness and I'll wear what makes me happy but hey thank for ruining my self esteem. I really appercaite it. I was over due to be knocked down a peg or two. Really....

And if I had called that chick a fat cow because she called me a prostitute, then I would be the bad guy there because you just don't talk about a girl's weight like that. Well you know what? It's tough all around and everyone has their own issues, I went and cried in the shower after this happened! Like what am I supposed to do? Run until my ass falls off? Crunches, sit ups, squats, leg lifts, all that work just so I can attain some unattianable body type and earn my right walk around in a skirt without being judged? No fucking way! It doesn't work like that! I am healthy and I am beautiful just the way I am, so come at me bro! I will knock you on your ass so fast that it makes your damn head spin! And the next time you feel like opening your god damn mouth to spew hate at some girl you literally don't fucking know a thing about and has never done a damn thing to you in her entire life, think again. Cause I swear to the gods that I'm gonna rip into the next bitch that makes a comment about my clothing. I don't need this crap from you bitches! Especially not after being stood up, twice and in addition to finals and all this other bullshit. Just leave me the hell alone.

Oh! And quit talking behind people's backs as well. It's cowardly and pathetic.You got a problem, say it to my face or keep it to yourself. And don't you dare pretend to be someone's friend when all the while you're spreading rumors about them and generally being a catty bitch. They think that you're their friend! How would you like it someone did that to you, huh? Talk about pulling the rug out from under someone's feet. Insensetive pricks, all of them.

And I'm not even gonna talk about the bullshit with my foreign friend yesterday. That was fucking infruiating as well.... Complete and utter bullshit. -sigh- Whatever. I'm just so done with everything and everyone right now. Bye.

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