Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cultural SWAT Team

               Here ya go Bros. Just a little something that I wrote in class. Hope you all like it! But if you don't, That's cool too. Feedback would be welcome!

                I roll my eyes as the same child begins messing around in class for the nineteen thousandth time since the class began. It’s Marcy again, of course it is. Ever since her little sister started taking classes here, she’d been chock full of nothing but an undying sense of superiority and the nerve to demand respect that she has in no way earned, from anyone. Just because she happens to be a purple belt and her sister is only a white belt.
                Honestly, I am a black belt and even I don’t just expect respect from anyone that I haven’t earned respect from, even though I have more than paid my dues at this point in time.
                As I watch her, glare at her actually, while she vibrates and wiggles in place, her stupid curly, frizzy black hair bouncing about everywhere, I am filled with an intense longing for the good old days. Back when our school was a part of Eclectic Karate. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t miss Eclectic at all. What I miss is really being able to punish the children.
                I’m twenty one, not that old. But man have the times changed since I came up through the ranks. Cause I am telling you for damn sure that if I had acted this way when I was a purple belt, I would’ve been doing laps for a month. Seriously, most children my classes these days don’t even know what squat thrusts are anymore! Pathetic. Simply pathetic.
                “Marcy!” I bark, pumping all the venom I possessed into the name and then feeling plenty satisfied when the little bugger jumps. Serves her right. “Cut it out.” I growl, my best stern teacher face pulled firmly into place. “One more time and I’m sending you to Shihan.” Because unfortunately, that’s as far as my powers of punishment go these days. Thank God that the brats still fear my little old karate instructor at least.
 -Lita Kaye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why cant you make them run laps?