Thursday, April 25, 2013

Why Inbox, Why?!

So, as it stands right now, Kerian is making his army of nothing but criminals he's liberated from Nethyrex and using them to storm the castle. But I was thinking yesterday that maybe Kerian escapes on his own and makes his way to one of our less developed, smaller countries, probably Atheria. I think. And taking over? Like the whole country. He could find and ally Kazuo same as before and with Kazuo at his side, kill the king and take over. Then he could just usurp their army and then bam. No more recruiting nessicary. Also killing more or less innocent people would give Aiden something else to angst over.  Hahaha. Thoughts? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe both? have him leave with one or 2 fellow prisoners, and have them take over the small country together.