Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Party Chrisps

So, I've been thinking of crap and junk and stuff and I have decided that I am going to change the scene after Emma and Eclipse dance. You know when he finds her crying on the terrace? Well originally Emma was supposed to spill her guts to him and have a monologue about how much she misses her Mum. But I'm starting to think that that is just not nessicary. I think that less will be more in this case and I'm just going to have her say, I really wish my Mom was here or I miss my Mom and just leave it at that.
I'm also pondering whether they should kiss or not. I'm on the fence about that. And I've changed my mind, we will have no radios or record players in my world. And as always, no guns. Soooooo, any thoughts my dear followers?


Anonymous said...

yeah, i agree and don't think it is necessary. and i feel the the i wish she was here is a better option. and i feel that they shouldn't kiss.
haha and okay. so why no radios and such? and do people do archery? or any type of long range combat? or just the catapult type things.

Lita Kaye said...

No kiss? Hmmmm, alright.

And yeah. We archery here.