Monday, July 30, 2012


Okay. So, as it has been determined by me, Emma is a White Tiger.

Because that's how I want it and their beautiful and maybe if I ever get published I can raise awareness and save some Tigers. -fingers crossed- Tiger's should be absolutely be saved.

And as also decided by me, both Emma and Angel have the tails of their respected animals. But no ears because I don't want them to look like "Cat Girls." Yuck. That's not what I'm going for with this. However! A thought has recently occurred to me! And this is that....

Cheeeeeeeeeese! Reminds you of Sheldon's smile, don't it? Hahaha. Kitty! We're here to blog, not eat Batman. X3

Anyway, Tigers have fangs. Big ones! Red Foxes have fangs too!

Actually looks like he just sneezed don't it?

So, the question now becomes, do my Princesses have Fangs?

Rawr! Derek's throat! -chomp-

I really don't know on this one. Like my first instinct is hells yes! Fangs! Awesome! But then I start to think about it and I'm like, well Tiger's use them to locate the carotid artery so that they can kill you faster and Emma's not going to be going around biting people to locate their veins more efficiently, so it's not really necessary. Buuuut, it'd be cool. Sooooo..... I have no idea about this one.

As usual,
Comments are welcome if they are helpful. And keep in mind, if you vote pro-fang, then you are affording me the opportunity to write a bunch of scenes where Emma runs around and goes, "AH!" and hisses at people in a Vampyre like fashion. Hhahaha. You're also inviting me to write a bunch of Vampyre jokes most of which will relate to my love, Spike or Dracula and Van Helsing. Hahhaha


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oh, It's Lunch... Who Ate It Before You Did?

Since I have decided that Eclipse will be hired as a guard at the begining of the book rather then promoted at the begining of the book, I need a new Captian. Now I've already decided on the name. He shall be Captian Rocher in reference to Captian Rocher from Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. I don't have a first name picked out for him yet, because I intend to call him Captian Rocher or Rocher for the most part, so it's not really important. I'll probably just make it up on the spot when it comes time for first names. Um, there's a 97% chance that I'm going to kill him off in the final battle because let's face it. This is war, people are going to die. And that's not really up for debate. Now the question that I put up to you people is, what should the man look like? Is he a ginger? Is he a grizzly old man? Is he hott? Battle scarred? Got a limp? He owns a monkey? I don't know!! Hahaha. Input?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Catharsis Time

I have nothing relevant to basically anything to post right now, so if you were looking for an update on the book then you are flat out of luck Bro. You might as well just skip this post. Today, the Blog is here solely for me to rant on it. Sorry.

-deep breath- I'm really stressed right now. I feel like everything is happening too quickly and I don't have any time to get everything done. And then there are other times where I feel like I have all the time in the World, but no drive to do the things that need to get done. And I'm so sick of this shit. I've filled out 9 thousand scholarship applications and haven't won one yet. I've been trying to get things in order for when I go to school but my parents drag their feet and over complicate things and nothing gets done. Like right now with my fucking lap top or that stupid ass fridge thing. They don't trust me to do it on my own and then whenever I say anything about it, I get yelled at about it and I can't take it anymore! I miss my friends. Two of my best friends have been MIA basically all summer. (You know who you are.) And thanks for that guys, really. Right when I need you guys... And right now I just really don't wanna go to school... These days, I'm so freaked out about everything I can barely sleep at night without Layfon and when I leave he's gonna be two hours away... I'm afraid I'll never see him and/or that this will be the end of us... And I cry all the time now! At everything. Even if it's not sad. The Black Belt Test is creeping up on me as we speak and I found out the other day that I'll have to move in to school and be there a whole week or two before the test even happens! How the fuck am I supposed to train for the damn thing like that? Two hours away from my partner and completely without a stand in. What am I supposed to do?! And to make matters worse, Wolf is starting to stress about it and that just stresses me out even more. And it's like, can someone just give me a freaking break already? I need to just hit something and scream... No, that won't work. I don't know what I need. Guess, I'll figure it out eventually... -sigh- Alright, -Spackle- Crack in the armor, has been sealed up. Time to move on. Smile like you mean it. Hold your position, don't fall backwards. All that crap.

Till next time.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shake, Rattle and Roll

Okay. So, I was gonna wait until someone read my new draft of Emma waking up in Strangerland just to make sure that it didn't suck but no one seems to be that interested in helping me out with that. So I'm like whatever, I'm just gonna do it. Emma can have two necklaces and Sabastian and Eclipse will NOT be guards when they find her. I'm liking the change, so let's just do it.

Question though. Before, when Eclipse was promoted, he got his own room. Now however, I'm kind of thinking that he should have to room with Sabastian after they get appointed. Cause I mean, they're not special right now. So wy would they get their own rooms?

Also! If there's two of them, then Emma would probably want to thank both of them for bringing her Home. So I have two options there. If they each get their own room then I can be like, oh yeah. Emma tried to thank Sabastian but he didn't answer the door when she knocked. Maybe he was alseep or something. And if they share a room Sabastian will probably be in the shower and Eclipse will answer the door. She'll kiss him and then run off cause she's late or she'll kiss him and then before she leaves Sabby will come out of the shower and she can be like "I just wanted to thank you!" And then run off. Caus she likes Eclipse. She's not gonna kiss both of them and if she does kiss both of them, she's only kissing Sabastian on the cheek. Ya know? Sooooooo...... Input?

Oh yeah and orientation was epic, btw. Fun stuff.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

...Where is My Mind?

Okay, so maybe it wasn't my very next post. But I did tell ya'll that I was gonna post about Emma's necklace, so I don't wanna hear any whinning about it. Got it?! ....Good.

Alright then. Um, I can't remember whether I've ever mentioned this before or not but in my original verison of my character Emma, Emma always had a necklace that was given to her by Aiden and Hiroshi when she was a little girl and of course Angel would have a matching one. And for Emma, since she was lost, it would be like Anastiasia's necklace, the only link she has to her past. It wouldn't say "Together in Paris" though. Hahaha.

I would have it be engraved with her name so as to eliminate the possiblity of Cassandra renaming her when she finds her and such like baby Hercules.

And when she returns to Zarius, she would still have it. Maybe Angel and Emma could have a moment when they're reunited to talk about that. However, I recently found that I've been so hung up on changing plot details and the tiny tiny things that no one who reads the book will probably ever notice anyway, that I've barely even mentioned Emma having a neclace at all! And when I do make mention of it, I say that it's Cassandra's necklace, the only thing that Emma took when her mother died! And why did I do that? Because Emma was very very close to her mother and I feel that she should have something from her mother that she can keep with her always, so I gave her, her mother's locket. Which is of course, a reference to the locket that my Grandmother gave me, even though Aurora is more based on my grandmother then Cassandra is. So.... There you have it. I guess that my problem is that I'm not sure whether I should give her two special necklaces or ditch the Hercules/Anastasia thing all together. I mean, I could do two. But I don't know if I should.

Ummmm, anything else? Let's see.... Nope. Not that I can think of. Okay then. Toodles!

Friday, July 6, 2012


Okay. So who remembers my friend Tim? No, not the scuzzy, ex boyfriend, asshole Tim. My friend Tim. He's literally one of the sweetest guys that I've ever met and he's really funny and cute too! And he loves Soccer and he tutors at the ARC and he's just a great guy. Unfortunately, he also has a Kidney Disease and has had to be on dialysis for a long time.... Well, um, I don't really know how to say this. But... TIM'S GETTING A NEW KIDNEY!!!?!!?!?! Isn't that amazing?! Ohmigosh, I am so unbelievably happy for him! And relieved too! He was so depressed... But now everything is going to be better for him! And I'm so, so happy! Like I've been spazzing out about this for like two hours now. Maybe longer. Cause like, he'll be able to play Soccer again?! And that's his favorite thing in the whole world!! It's a miracle! Hehehe. <3

Anyway, he goes in for surgery on Tuesday. And he's a great guy and he really deserves this chance, so everyone keep him in your prayers and wish him a speedy recovery!

Congratulations Tim! <3

Oh yeah! And he said that he's gonna try and come to my going away party too, so you can all congratulate him in person as well! Yaaaaaaay! <3

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Spank your Snooker

Okay, so I want to start out this post by saying thank you to Wolf for actually giving me some helpful opinions for the first time in awhile. Thank you Wolf Cakes, I appreciate it. <3


This post shall be relevant! And thought provoking! Hopefully.... Anyway, I was thinking the other day that maybe it would make a more interesting start to my story if Eclipse wasn't a Royal Guard when he finds Emma, but rather just some random guy. But why you say would some random guy be looking for the long lost Princess of Zarius? I've got that figured too! What I was thinking that maybe Eclipse and Sabastian have tried several times to get into the guard and they keep getting turned away and after a few tries they decide that the only way to get into the guard and fulfill THEIR LIFES DREAM is to do something really impressive in service of the King and then ask to be made guards as their reward, because I've decided that that happens sometimes. Worked in The Three Musketeers after all. So, that would be their motivation to find Emma. But! Travel to the Human World must be sanctioned by the King! Because we can't be having 8 million Vaikas running around Earth mucking up the place. So, Eclipse and Sabastian would have to be very sneaky about it. Which is fine, whatever.

Um, I think that it might be a little less cliche then having Eclipse promoted to Captain of the Guard and all ready being a pretty big Hero and all that shit right at the very beginning. It also might give Aiden another reason to rage when Eclipse and Emma get together. Something else to fuel that fire. And once again, I'd be creating more work for myself because I'd have to change the scene where Emma wakes up in a weird place and write something about Sabastian and Eclipse taking her to the castle and all that kind of crap, buuuuut I'm thinking that this might be a good change. Thoughts and opinions are welcomed, but only if their helpful. Hahaha <3

My next post shall be about Cassandra's necklace. Ta Ta for now Loves.