Friday, July 1, 2011

Tramps Like Us, Baby We Were Born to Run

Baby, wrap your legs 'round these velvet rims and strap your hands across my engines!
Together we could break this trap,
We'll run till we drop, Baby we'll never look back

Yea.... I would totally jump on the back of Spike's motorcycle and run away with him. Hahaha. No reason to roll your eyes at your computer screen though, I know exactly how lame I am. In fact, I'm pretty well aware. Hahaha. Buuuuuut, I love that song a lot annnnnnnd I have all of these epic, gorgeuos pictures of Spike. So, why not post them?

Anyway, back to the topic of the post at hand. Um, my blog has suddenly decided that it will in fact, let me copy and paste things from my Word Documents to my blog again like I used to be able too. Which kind of begs the question, should I start posting my actually writing on this blog again or not? Because I know that the majority of my "loyal" fans are too lazy to check my blog regularly, let alone read anything on my Devianart page.

Yea, that's right. I know and I'm talking about you.

So, on the one hand, more people would actually read my writing if I posted it up here. However, on the other hand, if there are only two people who EVER comment on my blog as of right now, what're the chances that if I start posting my writing that that's going to change? I would expect rather slim. Slim to none, actually. But the question still stands.

And let's wrap this post up with another good picture of Spike.
He looks goooooood, right?
Good, if not slightly creepy whilest hugging himself.


layfon said...

but if you post it here you will atleast get comments from the 2 people who read and comment on this page

Lita said...

This is true... Maybe I'll start doing both?