Friday, June 18, 2010

Carpe Dentum! Seize the Teeth!

Tada! As promised, this is yet another post about Valken! I went back into the SIMS to fix Valken's eyes so that they matched the Original picture references of Kai. However, upon looking at them, without that ridiculous hair and the bright blue dragon to compliment them, I found that I didn't like them as much anymore. So, I made a few more options. Enjoy.

These are the eyes that I accidently gave Valken in the last post. They are also Atreyu's eyes. They are really pretty. Light purple with little flecks of blue in there.

These are the eyes that Kai had in the original picture references. They are a little bit brighter. And these too are pretty. I'm just not sure that they look right anymore.
And these are by far, my favorite. They are much darker then the first two. Teal and dark purple. But I think that they suit him. Kinda dark and intense looking. Much more suited to Valken's personality. So, unless someone can convince me other wise, I am going to go with these ones.

Also, not that anyone cares, but I figured out what was missing!?!! I'm going to give Valken an earring. Just one. Probably in the right ear. I haven't decided what I want it to look like yet, but I'm working on that.

At the moment, I am leaning toward something along the lines of a tribal symbol. Perhaps with a small jewel in it or something. I'm pretty sure that I want it to be black titanium, because it's super sexy. Hahaha. But other then that I'm not really sure. Just something simple. And I'll post about that eventually. Tell me whatchu think. Good night.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Look, I Don't Want Your Crotch Flowers

Okay. So, I had a most bizarre dream last night. Would you like to hear about it? Of course you do!?!! SO PREPARE, FOR YET ANOTHER SUPER RANDOM POST!?

Alright. So this dream starts out with me and my brother and three other people I don't recognize sneaking around a dark building, which I believe was supposed to be a store of some kind. Anyway, we are all being as quiet as possible as we break down the only locked door that we managed to come across and we step inside and we are securing this room. Then my brother says something about how this room will make a good save spot and that we could probably rest here tonight. And no sooner do the words leave his mouth, a small horde of zombies burst out of the bathroom around the corner and trample/eat one of the random people that I didn't recognize. All the non-trampled members of our party immediately panic and shoot the hell out of the zombies, then take off running. Because apparently there is a small hole in the bathroom which zombies can get through, so in actuality this would make a terrible place for a save spot. Hahaha.

So we get out of the building. And everyone is like, "OMG! LET'S GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!?!!" And I'm like "Hey! Hey! Hey! There are like 20 other buildings here and we need a place to sleep tonight. Besides I'm sure there aren't zombies in every single one of these buildings." Hahahaha. Gackt only knows why I think that. So, we go exploring a few more buildings and we find a few more zombies, but they are scattered. It's not a horde like in the first building. And we can't find any other rooms suitable for our save spot.

The group is just about to give up and resume in our retreat when I see a light. So I pull out my gun out and go over to investigate. Then my brother is like, "Hey! You can't use your gun. If you shoot it then the horde will hear and we will be over run!" Never mind the fact that we all panic fired the ever loving crap out of a couple of random zombies less then 5 minutes ago. But I don't say anything. I just sneak over to the open door of the building I saw the light in and poke my head in. And when I don't see anything in the immediate vicinity, I employ the standard operating procedure for a Police Man in this situation with my flash light and gun, and I take a step into the building. Just one single step.... And then I get shot! Yesh, Shot! Right through the right shoulder. Then shot again! Right through my left leg!

Anyway, I fall down, drop my flash light, grab my wounded arm, like ya do and start scrambling backwards to try and get away from the GIGANTIC HORDE OF ZOMBIES AND THE HUMANS THAT SHOT ME, as they come flying out of this house. All the while firing off as many rounds as humanly possible. I probably would have been trampled and eaten had my brother and my fabulous group of strangers not sprang into action when they had. So, once they start mowing down zombies, I am able stop shooting everything long enough to actually get up. And then I pull out my katana and start hacking down zombies like no one's business because I am freakin pissed that I got shot.... TWICE!?!!

So, after our group eliminates the majority of the zombie horde, the humans that shot me start to panic and run away. I shoot down two of them, because obviously I can't run after them with my super wounded leg, but then I run out of ammo. So my brother grabs the third human, who looks like he belongs in he Matrix with his leather trench coat and slicked back hair by the way, and starts beating him with his fists and yelling at him about shooting me. And I hobble over there as fast as possible, then I jump on this guy and knock him to the ground and sit on his chest so, he can't get away, and then I literally beat his face in with my good arm and the butt of my gun. I must have hit this random guy in a trench coat in the face half a million times. Maybe more, I'm not sure.

However, no one says or does anything about it, until I hit him in the temple a few times and the entire mask of his face comes off and flaps open like it was on a hinge or something. And there's blood and guts and brains and eyes balls. Very Battle Royale type stuff. Anyway, that is when my brother pulls me off because I guess that enough is enough already, EVEN THOUGH THE BUGGER IS STILL ALIVE!?!! I mean, I can still see him moving and such. Hahah. But I don't make a fuss. We can leave him for the zombies to eat. Fine with me.

So, I get up and the group starts walking around, collecting the head sets of the evil humans we killed and extra weapons and such like that. And I pick up this one particular head set and start listening too it. And the guy on the other end of the line is talking about Optimus Prime. Then all of a sudden, all of the head sets and our cell phones and stuff like that start jumping out of our hands. And I'm like, "OH SHYT!?!! IT'S A DECEPTICON!?!! RUN!" So, I turn tail and start running for the hills along side my team. And one of the random members of my team, who is apparently Hispanic, says something along the lines of, "Ohmigawd! It's got a gun!" And I'm like, "Hey! Wait a second! We've all got guns!?!!" Hahaha

So, we stop running, about face and start shooting the Decepticon. Or, everyone else does anyway, I am out of bullets. But then, I spot a random gun lying abandoned on the ground about a hundred yards away, in between me and the Decepticon, so I run for it. Because apparently there isn't actually anything wrong with my leg. There's a bullet lodged in there somewhere and it's bleeding profusely, but I can run just fine all of a sudden, so I must be fine. Hahaha. Anyway, I slide across the ground like a Baseball player, grab the gun, jump up and start shooting the crap out of the Decepticon. Then suddenly, everyone else stops shooting for some unknown reason, but I don't notice because Iam too busy being angry that MY BULLETS ARE NOT DOING ANY DAMAGE!?!! So, I get pissed and decide to throw my gun at the stupid robot.

However, before I can actually throw my gun, I hear someone yell, "Kitty! Down in front!" Then someone wraps their arms around my waist and pulls me down to the ground. And I blink, completely confused and look around and suddenly the scenery has changed completely. I am now sitting on Blaise's lap, on the floor in my living room with a little pink plastic squirt gun in my hand, aimed at the TV, on which Transformers is playing. And my brother and the random Hispanic guy that I didn't recognize, are sitting on the couch with popcorn. And I am very, very confused. But no one explains anything to me, they just laugh at how confused I am.

THEN!?!! My alarm clock goes off and I wake up, because I must! Lots to do today. Gotta watch the World Cup and do this and that and the other thing, errands, karate, etc etc. However, after I turn my alarm clock off, I realize that Little Gigi has wormed her way under the covers with me and is curled up in my arms and purring, and suddenly I don't want to get up anymore. Hahha. Who cares about Soccer when there is a purring kitten in your bed? Hahaha.

Monday, June 14, 2010


And for good measure, here is a cute little avatar of Blaise.
And yes. That is a Red Panda draped around his shoulders. YOU ARE JEALOUS!?!! Because Blaise is just that cool.

Now, to the point of this post. I have enabled my blog to allow absolutely anyone to post comments. You don't even need to use your AIM or Google Account User Name. All you have to do is,

-Click on the Comment thing at the bottom of the post

-Type your comment

-Then select either Anonymous or Name/URL

+ Note! If you click name, it will ask you to type in something so that I know who left the comment.

-And finally click Publish your Comment.

Annnnnnd that's it. So feel free to comment on whatever. Gackt knows I could use the feedback.

The Point is, I'm A Tiki God

Okay. So I am feeling the need to be productive right now. (Which makes the fact that I have Writer's Block like you wouldn't even believe, suck even more then it already does. Thanks for nothing stress...) So I began work on Aiden's father literally right after I finished Eilonwy. And the end result is kind of plain looking, but I loooove his eyes, and he really doesn't play that big of a role in the main arc of my story anyway.
This is what Kai used to look like...
Hahahaha. I wasn't entirely serious when I was working on Kai the first time, so he looks a little goofy with his DBZ Scouter, glitched shoulder dragon and badly textured hair. However, now that I have changed his name to Valken and actually worked on him seriously, he looks much better. And a bit more Kingly. Hahaha.

Yep. I gave him a ponytail. Hahaha. I really like his new hair. Still, I think he looks a little plain. So I may consider giving him a tattoo or a pair of smexy goggles or something like that. Or maybe, I'll try the little shoulder dragon again. That was cute... Anyway, normally I would lean toward scarring his pretty face as opposed to tattoo-ing it. But seeing as his older brother Nicademus, has a huuuuuge scar across his face, I thought it might be best not to over use the scars. Hahaha. Unless of course, I decide to change the story of how Nic got that scar and instead have Nic and Valken get scarred together!?!! ....But even then, I like the story of how Uncle Nic got his scar. And even if they were fighting the same opponent why would both Nic and Valken end up with scars all over their faces anyway? -ramble, ramble- I guess, I just find that to be an unlikely scenario. I mean unless this man was specifically aiming to maim your face.... But why on Earth would he do that? The face is not generally the main target in a sword fight. Anyway, don't be surprised if I post pictures of Valken again, because as I said, I think he looks a bit plain at the moment...... I also just realized that I gave him the wrong eyes. (Gawd Dammit!?!!) -sigh- Valken is supposed to have the same Blue/Purple eyes that he had in his original reference photo.... Whatever. I'll just post about him again. Seriously though, even with the wrong eyes and the fact that he looks plain, Valken still looks a lot better then Kai ever did, neh? Hahaha. Let me know what you think.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I'm Living La Vida Soccer!

And honestly, who wouldn't be after watching the World Cup this morning?! Excellent Game! Very instense. And both Mexico and South Africa played well. Bravo! Bravo!

Now that that is said, let's move on to the main point of this post, Xander's girlfriend. I have FINALLY begun work on her. And it's about bloody time, eh? Hahahaha.

Anyway, here she is...

Her name is Eilonwy!
And isn't she beautiful!?! Yes, indeed she is. Eilonwy has dark red hair and bright blue eyes and pale purple skin. Also, if you'll notice the markings around her eyes are almost the exact same color as her eyes. Because I am very clever with my fabulous color coordination. Hahaha.
And I know that you are all sitting at home going "Wait a moment, wait a moment. Where have I seen this before? This looks very firmilar." Well, of course it looks firmilar!?!! Eilonwy looks just like her sister, Andromina.
Yesh. I decided to go ahead and make Eilonwy and Andromina sisters after all. And I did this for three very specific reasons. One, to add the choas that Zareck creates in Part Three by adding another person into the mix. Two, Red and Purple was the unofficially requested color scheme for this character. And Three, I really, really love this purple skin. I think it looks super cool. Hahaha.
Alright. So, that is Eilonwy. Let me know what you think of her and my SUPER COOL, NEW LAYOUT......... I KNOW YOU WON'T! Hahaha.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Might Get Lonely, But I'm Not Alone

Hmmm, I think I may rewrite "Cheetah Sisters" by The Cheetah Girls, because I am a major loser, to be about The RoQuero'Kubeh..... Yes. I think it's a brilliant plan. Hahaha. Anyway, I think it's about time for yet another super irrelevant post. Dontchu? Of course you do!

Dream Chronicles!?!! GO!

Okay, so two days ago I had a dream that was something of a cross between HAIR, The Big Gay Sketch Show and ....WTF!?!! Hahahha.

It started out with me running around a department store with my Bestest Best Friend, Celes, apparently playing hide and seek with a bunch of other people and running away from security guards. And we are having a freakin blast! Then all of a sudden the lights go out. And me and Celes freeze, then somebody yells "It's okay, you can come out now!" Apparently the store has closed for the night. Which means it's party time, obviously.

So me and Celes come out of where ever we were hiding, and walk down to the Prom Dress/Formal section of this store and find a huge dance party! There's like 50 Drag Queens and Hippies dancing all over the place and singing karaoke. Strobe Lights. A stage. Loud Music. It's ridiculous. Then the next thing I know, I'm dressed up like a cross between my Pirate Costume, Super Sailor Moon and some kinda Prom Dress type thing. WITH BUTTERFLY WINGS!?!! I look completely ridiculous. Hahaha. And Celes is spontaneously dressed like Tuxedo Mask. But with Cat Ears and a Tail..... WEIRD!?!!

Anyway, Celes sings the theme song to Sailor Moon in perfect Japanese. While I stand on the stage and dance around in circles and do The Monkey. Then I jump off the stage and everyone starts screaming and clapping as if that were a super impressive feat! YAY ME! Then everything stops all of a sudden and the party is over. Awwww.....

So I leave Celes in the Department Store and walk out into the parking lot with 4 Hippies and 1 Drag Queen, because apparently I need to get something out of my car. So we start walking. And we are literally walking FOREVER!?!! I remember thinking to myself, "Gawd! How far away did I park!?" But as it turns out, we never make it to my car anyway.

Suddenly, we notice someone walking waaaaay far off in the distance. And the guy in front, who I realize at this point is BLAISE!?!! MY BLAISE! Dressed up like Super Hippie, starts screaming "Claude! Claude!" And runs after this super random guy, that you can barely even see, let alone make a positive ID on. Hahahaha. Anyway everyone eles is going, "It's Claude! Ohmigod!" And I'm sitting here going, "Who the hell is Claude!?!" Then everyone else starts running after Blaise.

Anyway, everyone else finally catches up with Blaise. Then Blaise tackles Claude to the ground! And Blaise is like laying, sprawled out on top of this guy on the ground, next to a highway that spontaneously appeared. And "Claude" is just laying there, completely silent. And Blaise is hugging his arm and rubbing his head into Claude's shoulder, like a Kitty. Just happy as a clam. Big dumb smile on his face. And one of the other Hippies asks Blaise what the hell he's doing, and Blaise's only response is "Daddy!" Yes! Apparently Claude, who looks younger then Blaise does mind you, is Blaise's father. Cause that makes sense!

Then the Drag Queen is like, "Claude can't be your Dad! That makes no sense!" And that is when I jump in and say, "HIS NAME IS NOT CLAUDE!?!! IT'S LARS!?!!" Yea. That's right. Lars. Then we have a twenty minute argument about what Claude/Lars' name actually is. And Claude/Lars remains completely silent and impassive the entire time. Hahahaha.

AND THEN!?!!..... I wake up. Because my little Gigi is pouncing all over my bed and attacking my feets under the covers to get me to wake up and feed her. Silly Cat.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dexter's a Cookie!

Quick announcement.
Remember Aiden's Father, Kai?


Well, I have decided to rename him, Valken. Kay? That is his new name! VALKEN!?!! And it's fabulous and I love it! Valken! Valken! Valken! So, if you don't like it, TOUGH GAZONGAS!?!! Hahahaha. I have also decided to work on a semi-serious picture reference, instead of using this one over and over again. Because, although it is pretty, the King of Zarius does not wear a DBZ Scouter. He just doesn't. And that hair is kinda awful and glitched. Hahaha.
In the next couple of days I will also begin working on Eilonwy's character reference. And personality profile and backround story. So.... look forward to that. DISSMISSED!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Wonder Why it Always Has to Hurt

Okay, so there is no breaking news for me to report to you today. However, I did have a thought the other day, that may be worth mentioning. If not for the opinions of my LOYAL fans, that I'm sure I won't receive, for my own records should I ever decide to go back and change the plot line of my book a 35th time. And that thought is,

What if I killed off Eclipse in the Final Battle of Part One?

It would, without a doubt change the entire ending of the book, which I have already started writing mind you. And wreak utter havoc on the plotline of the sequals to my book, which I have already planned out extensively. But still, as anyone who actually read through the plot line of my Amanda/Dresden Drama knows, I love the dramatic effect of having one spouse die when the other one is pregnant. For which I blame Sandra Bullock. Hahaha.

Anyway, if I did this then Zareck and Serena would have to become twins, because obviously if Eclipse is dead then he can't get Emma pregnant a second time, can he? No. I also think that if this was the case then I wouldn't let Kazuo do nearly as much damage to Emma as he does in the current plot line. I also may use Eclipse's death as a smoke screen to divert everyone's attention from Kerian, so he can escape. And if I killed Eclipse now, then in Part Two, Kerian could ressurect Eclipse instead of Adrienne ressurecting Kerian. Which has the potiental to be very epic.

However, as much as I find the dying to save you, pregnant spouse thing, to be touching and hopeful and such, I'm afraid that it'll just be too emo. And Eclipse is certianly no Boromir. So, I probably won't do it. Besides, I've already written most of the ending and I like the way it's coming out so far. But still, the possiblities are interesting to ponder.

Betrayal is The Willful Slaughter of Hope

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So Any Snooch...

I decided to rewrite a Love Song! Not because I asked for one, but because I need one. And I'm in a super goofy mood! Hahahaha. Alright, so this is the "Bisexual/Bad Romance", Orianthi remix! Enjoy.

According to him I'm stupid,
I'm useless,
And I'm not worth his precious time.
According to him I'm impossible,
hard to please,
forever changing my mind.
I'm a mess at best,
can't get up on time, even if it would save my life.
According to him. According to him.
But according to her I'm beautiful,
Incredible! She can't get me out of her head.
According to her I'm funny, Irresistible!
Everything she ever wanted!
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it,
so baby tell me what I got to lose?
She's into me for everything I'm not, according to him.

According to him I'm boring,
I'm moody, and he can't take me any place.
According to him I suck at video games,
especially the ones he wants to play.
I'm the girl with the worst attention span;
he's the only boy who puts up with that.
According to him. According to him.
But according to her I'm beautiful,
Incredible! She can't get me out of her head.
According to her I'm funny,
Irresistible! Everything she ever wanted.
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it,
so baby tell me what I got to lose?
She's into me for everything I'm not, according to him.

I need to feel appreciated, like I'm not hated.
Why can't you see me through her eyes?
It's too bad you're making me choose.
She's into me for everything I'm not,
According to him.

And according to me you're stupid, you're useless,
you can't do anything right.
According to me she's beautiful,
Incredible! And I can't get her out of my head.
According to me, she's funny,
Irresistible! Everything I ever wanted.
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it,
so baby tell me what I got to lose?
And we're in love dispite everything we're not,
According to you. According to you.

According to him I'm stupid, I'm useless,
I can't do anything right......

So yea! That is how absurdly clever I am. I changed the word "You" to "Him" and the word "Him" to "Her." I am a freaking genius. Hahahaha.

Anyway, this is a pretty popular song and being that I am so NOT mainstream, I'm not entirely sure why I like it as much as I do. I almost never like popular music. But for whatever reason, I like it alot. So there! Deal with it. And that's why I decided to rewrite it. It fits my situation a lot better now, neh? Hahahaha.

Oh and I know you are tempted, but don't even bother to ask me, who "She" is. Because one, she goes to school with me and I can assure you, that you don't know her. And two, I WILL NEVER TELL YOU!?!! So, don't waste your breath..... Or your text. Kay?

Next post will more likely then not, be something that actually applies to my book. Good day loyal fans. I SAID GOOD DAY!?!!