Thursday, February 4, 2010

Down in DragonTown

Soooo, I was contemplating the ending to my book the other day.... you know the war and all that madness, and I realized that I absolutely hate everything about the way I described the final battle between Kerian and Aiden?! HATE IT?! Ohhhh, so much hatred....

So now I'm trying to come up with some new and hopefully epic alternatives. At this point I haven't given it too much thought, but I've already got some rough ideas. Would you like to hear them?.... O rly? You don't....? TOO BAD?! I'm gonna tell you anyway?!

Alrite, so in my previous explainations of this fight scene, I had Hiroshi using blood alchemy left, right and sideways but I didn't utilize Aiden's wings at all?! Which is a shame, because they are so very, very pretty and impressive. So in this version of the fight, I would like to have Aiden flying around like a bat out of hell. Hahahaha.

However?! This brings up another issue, Aiden's weapon. A sword is not very useful when you are hovering 500 feet above the enemy, now is it? No. It's not. So, I was pondering pherhaps making him an archer as well. But I'm really not too sure about that. I mean would that be super lame or what?

And another thing?! In the original sketch of this fight scene, I had Kerian using his powers to pull bones of the long since deceased out of the ground then use them as projectiles in an attempt to kill Hiroshi. Which in my mind looks very cool. But now, I'm starting to think that maybe I shouldn't do that. I mean, cause I can't tell if it's to much like an anime or something.... Anyway, so I was thinking as a replacement for the shattered bone fragment projectiles, that I should have Kerian use his powers to break one the other or both of Aiden's wings. Which would be tragic and Daddy would fall out of the sky like a freaking rock, but I'm sure he could handle it. He's a tough guy. <3

Also, in case you have forgotten, the handle of Kerian's sword is made out of bone, so the possiblity of a flying ghost sword attacking people all on it's own is there. Oh! And I have invented an excellent manuver, that is totally practical, (I tested it on Aaron) which Aiden could use to chop off Kerian's head. Should I decide to behead him. And it looks really cool.


viccicat said...

I am not liking the flying bone bits so much. I think working with the bone sword without the bad guy attached would be a cool thing, something like inigo montoya's I have a surprise for you I am not really left handed...

An injury to one orthe other wing could be worked in, I kind of like the some kind of bow as a weapon for Aiden, although I'm not sure how a dragon in full dragon form would weild such a weapon... am I missing something there?

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Aiden is not a dragon. He is a Hawk. And Eclipse doesn't reach full dragon form in this fight.