Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jaise?! ....Who the hell is Jaise?

Alrite, so who wants to hear about another one of my super baizarre dreams!?!!....Of course you do?! Haahahaha. I had this dream about a month ago and a half ago, and for some ungodly reason, it's still there and I remember it. So I figure, why not post about it? Blaise is in it. And the fans love Blaise...... Actually, who cares what the fans love? -huggles Blaise plushy- I love Blaise?! Hhahahahhaha.

Um, so I'm going to use the name Jaise, because in this particular dream the "lead male" character is in a constant state of flux between my character, Blaise and Jacob, the hott werewolf from Twilight....Which is weird.

So, the dream starts out with me walking home alone. Just walking. Then Jaise runs up behind me and starts walking with me. And we started talking about something, I don't remember what though, and then all of a sudden he's like , Hey! Let's go to that new store downtown?! And I'm like whatever. So we go to this random store.

And the store itself was freakin weird. Know why? Know why? BECAUSE IT WAS A SHAPESHIFTING STORE?!?!?!?! When me and Jaise walked in, it was a clothing store, then it became a cave, then a pet store, then a jewelry store, then a clothing store again?! It was weird...

Anyway, Jaise and I go inside and I start looking at the clothes on the racks and I'm not paying any attention to him. Then the next thing I know, Jaise is dragging some random dude, who looked like Twitty and apprently goes to school with us, over to meet me. It seems in a span of 30 seconds Jaise managed to get Twitty to agree to come home with us.... even though, I've never talked to him before in my life. And I kinda smile that super akward smile and say Hi. Then as soon as Twitty is out of ear shot, I start whispering to Jaise. And I'm like "Why the hell did you invite him over?!" Then there's a pause.... "Ohmigod! You're not gonna-" And then Jaise nods. Apprently, Jaise is a werewolf.... and he plans to eat Twitty.

I hate werewolves..... I HATE THEM!?!!?!?!

But that is beside the point... My suspcion confirmed, I then begin to freak out and beg Jaise not to eat Twitty, who mind you, I barely know. But Jaise will have none of that, He's gonna eat Twitty no matter what I say. And he disappears. Then the store turns into a cave and I run around in circles forEVER looking for him. But I NEVER find him so I eventually give up, and take it upon myself to just gaurd Twitty.

So Twitty and I, go from the cave to the pet store, where we get side tracked by cuteness, then to the jewelry store. But why the jewelry store? Because in the display case I can see Alchemy Circle necklaces just like the ones that I collect/wear constantly and I begin to wonder if they have any specifically designed to repell werewolves. So, I drag Twitty over there and I'm looking at necklace after necklace and I can't find any that'll work.

Finally Twitty gets bored and says he's gonna wait outside for me. Then Jaise, who has apprently been standing next to me, the whole time (THE WHOLE TIME?!), says "Oh come on Kitty. You don't honestly expect those silly sliver charms to stop me, do you?" And I turn around and get really pissed and start yelling at him about how he can't eat Twitty. But that doesn't work. So then I switch gears instantly. And I give him a big hug and I tell him, if he eats Twitty, that I'm going to break up with him. End of Story.

However, that doesn't work either. Jaise calls my bluff and says that I would never break up with him because I looooove him. And he says it in such an arrogant/self assured way. So, even though I apprently love him, I kick him. A good solid roundhouse kick to the left hip. And guess what happens?! Guess! I DARE YOU?!....WRONG! You know what happened? His torso fell off?! It fell off! Plop!

And what's weirder, I was not at all phased by it. I just kinda stood there and watched while his torso got up and put itself back in place. And then we left the store. The End. I have no idea, whether Twitty died or not. If I had to guess though, I would say that he did. I mean Jaise was really hell bent on eating him. Hahahaha.

Anyway, that's my dream! I have one other one that I vividly remember even thought it was awhile ago and maybe if your lucky, I'll get bored enough to post it! Hhahaha.


viccicat said...

Okay, Okay, so this is the comment I meant for this one, rly rly weird dream, it sucks to be Twitty, and I thinkt hat you should take nsync's advise and get another boyfriend!!!

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Really? Did you really just bring N'sync into this? Truly? Wow...