Wednesday, January 13, 2010

'Ello Sue! I've got legs.

Alrite?! So, Pet Names?! Pet Names?! Pet Names?! Pet Names?! Everyone uses them to refer to people they care about. Take me, for example, my boyfriend has at least 20 pet names. And I have at least one for each of my friends. Which is why, lame as it is, I have devoted the entirety of the last 3 days to coming up with pet names that would be appropriate for my characters?! And this is what I have come up with.....

Ka'tiri- Ka'tiri is a Native American term, (It's Algonquian. You'll have to forgive me though, I forget exactly which tribe it's from.) which means "Husband." And I have decided that I am going to have Aiden use it as a pet name for Hiroshi.

Setsurin- Setsurin is also a Native American term. (Also Algonquian in origin.) Which basically means "Soul Mate." And I am going to have this one be Hiroshi's cutesy nickname for Aiden.

Shirogane- Shirogane means "Silver" in Japanese. (Note, That this is silver the metal, not silver the color...) So, I think I will have Hiroshi's mother, Shori and possibly his half brother, Kenji, use it as a nickname for Hiroshi, because his hair is Silver, (Silver?! Not grey...) and I think it's cute. So deal with it?!

Also note, that with the exception of Shirogane, I did tweak the spelling of all of these words. So don't read them and go "WHAT THE HELL?! That's not a Native American term?!" and start yelling at me, because it is a Native American term, it just doesn't look that way. Hahahaha.

Um, I haven't come up with anything for Angel and Krystal, or Emma and Eclipse or Tereasa and Sabastian yet.... Because Aiden and Hiroshi, were my main focus. BUT I AM GETTING THERE?! I might even revert back to using Finnish. Hahaha. It would be a hell of a lot easier then trying to track down crediable sources for random Native American translations.


viccicat said...

Keep it comming lov,

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Fascinating Comment. Loving the input.