Thursday, January 7, 2010

And a Hard Boiled Egg?!

Chhhhaaaaaa?! Okay, so I was just thinking about some of my character's names..... And the truth is I just sort of picked names that I liked, I didn't really put an absurd amount of thought into the choosing of my characters names like my beloved best friend, Celes, does with hers, which I didn't really think was a problem...until now.

Now I realize that this is probably just me over thinking everything, like I have a tendancy to do, but since I have gotten absolutely no response/I can't get in touch with any of my "editors" (a.k.a. The people I bug for their opinions, and then more often or not ignore in the end. Hahaha) I decided to post about this in hopes that SOMEONE will get back to me..... -glares at you-

Anyway, moving on.... The thing that's bothering me the most is the glaring inconsistancy of the character's names. Specifically the names of my main characters. Lets take the Radic family for example.

Family Tree?!
Nicademus and Kai
Kai + Aurora = Kerian, Aiden and Lily
Aiden + Hiroshi = Emma, Angel and Xander
Emma + Eclipse = Serena and Zareck

I recently decided that it is strange, or at least in my mind, that dispite the fact that Hiroshi is Japanese, none of his children or grandchildren have Japanese names. Or even Japanese sounding names. Granted, I orginally did this intentionally as to avoid using to many Japanese names so I wouldn't look like just another stupid fan girl, but now I'm thinking it's a bit off. I mean why the hell would the children of a Zarian and a Japanese guy, have predominately British names?

I'm also debating about changing a few names. Mainly Serena, Xander and Tereasa and possibly even Kiska. And I'm thinking about this for a couple diffrent reasons.
-In the case of Serena and Xander, it's because dispite how I love, love, love those names, I kinda don't feel like they fit...-frown-
-And I really don't think Tereasa's name is exotic enough. I mean, she is the epically gorgeus Princess of an Amazon-esque Kingdom, and I think she deserves to have a equally epic name?!
-And as far as Kiska..... well I don't know if you've noticed, but with the exception of Adrienne and Xanathos, all of my villains names begin with K. Granted, I don't particularly care that all their names begin with the same letter, but at the same time.....I kinda feel like I should change it.....

So...yea. I'm considering Andromina as a name replacement for either Tereasa or Serena. And.... Setsuka, 'cuz I don't care what anyone says, I like that name. I don't think I'd use it as a name replacement for Serena though.... I don't know, Setsuka and Zareck doesn't sound quite right to me. Um, I like the name Na'tiri, which was the name of the Princess in the Avatar movie, I just can't decide if it would be lame for me to use that or not.... Though if I did use it, I think I'd use it for Tereasa. I lyke Ariana, as well. Because it's pretty and I could call her Ari, which I think would make a cute nickname. But other then that I haven't given the new names much thought. I'll keep working on it though.....

Um, as always I'm open to suggestions, and I'll see ya'll later?!


viccicat said...

Again with the self doubt, you does over think sometimes. lots of people have names that don't match either their family name or their siblings, must I remind you for Crystal and Bucket!! I like that Hiroshi's name is japaneese and different. I think if you want to change some names thats cool. I like Ariana in place of Theresa. But I kind of like Na'tiri or something similar better, it would be more exotic. Zander I think is fine, but if you wanted to change it just a bit what about Zarren instead? I also likethe name Ryissa, I like Aurora as the Queens name. I think you are fine ,but if you want to change things thats cool.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Xander is spelt with an X.