Wednesday, May 6, 2009


The fabulous, amazing, smexy love of my life! Who, is completely furious with me at the moment... heheh.

Anyway, I left him out of that rant I went on about everyone's power specifications and limits and stuff, which I just realized was rather stupid, cause I never actually explained what happened to him when his DNA got mutated and how that affects his powers and fighting and stuff.... So, Ima do that nao. ENJOY!?!


-Blaise was orginially a Water Demon. Meaning that he could control the flow of water, make it freeze or boil. He can also breathe under water. But unlike Angel, Blaise can't create water. Just harness the power of exsisting water. When Eclipse's blood and Dragon Venom got into Blaise's system it mutated his DNA. Painfully transfoming him into a half Dragon or Lesser Dragon. He's got huge scaly wings, claws, fangs, a tail, and he can fly. But that's all he can do. He doesn't morph into an actual dragon nor does he breathe fire. Basically he can only do half of what Eclipse can do. However because he can still control the movements of water, I think thet're pretty evenly matched.

-Also Blaise is now a superhero. Haha. Thanks to Mr.Darling's stupid super hero project, I have given Blaise new and exciting powers and I'm pondering writting a story about it, cause the concept is freakin epic! But like I said im just pondering. I don't want it to come off like an X-Men rip off, so yea...

ANYWAY?! That's Blaise. <3>


-completely_iNsAnE- said...

can he control water in dragon-mode? if you said that, i didn't catch it.^^;;

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Not right away. Because Dragon mode is more or less triggered by rage and adrenaline and shyt like that, so it takes a lot to be able to think clearly and focus while your in dragon mode. But he'll get it eventually, toward the end. Because he's just that kind of guy. lol. Amazerous?! <3 lol

viccicat said...

Sounds good, to me, interesting mix, fire beast, and water elemental quite interesting.