Sunday, May 17, 2009


TADA?! Heres another chunk of story for you?! Enjoy!

Btw, the begining of this post is the end of the scene I started in my last post, kay?

“Good.” The Stranger replied, flashing her a dazzling smile before throwing a small fist full of sparkling blue powder in her face. Emma immediately felt faint and after another inhale or two, lost consciousness completely.

The man moved quickly to catch Emma before she fell, and lay her down gently on the asphalt. He couldn’t very well have had her falling and smashing her head open on the pavement, now could he? The Stranger then turned to walk away, but something kept him from leaving her. Crouching down beside her, the man looked Emma over, carefully, as if believing that he would discover why he felt he couldn’t leave her, that way.

And then suddenly he found it. On Emma’s right arm, there was a birthmark. The small, delicately curved symbol was light against her skin, but there was no denying its presence there. The stranger’s eyes widened with shock when he saw it. Both Lady Angel and Lord Xander bore the same mark, which could only mean one thing. That Emma was the one he’d been searching for all this time. “…Princess?”

The next morning

Emma groaned, pulling the covers over her head to hide her face from the sun, which had, ever so kindly, decided to shine directly in her eyes today. But it didn’t help. Annoyed, she rolled over. Why did it have to be Wednesday? Emma felt like she’d rather die then get up and go to school… Unfortunately ditching was out of the question. She couldn’t afford another sick day.

Yawning, Emma reached out for her alarm clock, curious as to how much time she actually had to get ready this morning. But she couldn’t find it. Another moment or two of blindly groping around confirmed that. Her cell phone and notebook were also missing.
“What the-” Upon seeing her surroundings, Emma’s jaw dropped. This was not her room…

Sitting bolt upright, she looked around quickly, and stared somewhat panic stricken. There was a huge comfy bed, full length mirror, pretty blue paint on the walls, actual curtains on the windows? Most definitely not, her room. “Oh my Gackt…” Where the hell was she?!

Emma couldn’t remember anything about last night, except for that dream she’d had about that truck spinning out in front of her. Suddenly noticing the sound of footsteps, in what she could only assume to be the hallway outside, Emma panicked.

Her mind racing in a million different directions, she quickly jumped to the conclusion that she’d been kidnapped by the government. Although why she thought that was a mystery. Emma never had a chance to realize exactly how unlikely that was, because just after it occurred to her, something jumped at her from across the bed.


WAH!” Emma screamed. Attempting to escape, by jumping out of bed and away from whatever had attacked her. But sadly, she was unsuccessful. It seemed that during the night her blankets and bed sheets had become tangled around her legs in such a way that prevented her from accomplishing little more than knocking herself, out of bed and onto the cold, marble floor.

Upon hearing the commotion Eclipse burst into the room, almost literally, a half a second after Emma crashed to the ground with an echoing thud, sword drawn, ready to defend her from…her cat? And a bed spread? “Princess…” Stifling a laugh, he sheathed his sword and crossed the room to help her up.

Emma tensed upon hearing the sound of the doors flying open; simultaneously she switched her mind into defense mode. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen next, but she did know that, she sure as hell wasn't going down without a fight.

“Are you all right Princess?” Eclipse questioned, bending over to pull the blanket away from her face. Only to be punched square in the face without hesitation.

“Get the hell away from me?!”

Oww!” In a state of complete shock, Eclipse mentally screamed every obscenity he’d ever heard in his life and a few he’d made up on the spot. The Princess had punched him in the face?! He truly hadn’t expected that one. Despite his shock, Eclipse recovered from her sudden attack quickly and shot his left hand out to grab her wrist. This was partially to make sure he had her full and undivided attention, but mostly to keep her from throwing the table lamp at him.


Emma whipped around quickly, intending to punch him again with her free hand, but instead froze when she saw his face. “You?!” She gasped, her eyes widening with surprise and then just as quickly narrowing with rage. “You’re the guy from last night.”

Princ-” She punched him harder this time, hitting him square in the chest. For someone who had never taken a self defense class in her life, Emma seemed to have a pretty good idea about how and where she should strike her opponent.

“You bastard! You kidnapped me!” She cried, struggling to pull free of the hold he had on her wrist. “You fu-”

At this point Eclipse had had enough. “Princess please?!” He shouted, pinning her against the night stand. And to his great surprise, she actually stopped struggling to get free. “Are you okay?”

Emma glared at him. “What do you want from me?” She demanded evenly, refusing to show even the slightest hint of fear in her face or voice.

“I want to know if you’re okay.”

“I’m fine.”

“Good.” Releasing his hold on her, Eclipse sat back on his heels, and wiped the blood from his face.

Emma fell silent, watching, studying him carefully for a moment before speaking again. “Who are you?”

“Oh! My apologies Princess,” He said jumping to his feet. “I had forgotten that we’d never properly been introduced.” Then he bowed respectfully to her. “My name is Eclipse Deimos. Your parents sent me to bring you home.”

“Uh huh…” Emma looked at him skeptically. “Well, being that I’m an orphan and my birth parents are dead. I think it’s safe to assume that you’ve got the wrong girl.”

“I beg to differ Princess.” Eclipse replied, sounding supremely confident.

“Ugh. Why do you keep calling me that?”

“Because it is your title.”

“Oh but of course.” Emma replied sarcastically, as she untangled herself from the bed sheets and stood up. She began looking around on the floor for her backpack, but was quickly distracted by the presence of a cat. “Oh!” Emma scooped the cat up into her arms immediately. She’d always wanted a cat and this one was just too cute to ignore. It had long, soft, fluffy grey fur, big, bright purple eyes and it was purring! “What a cute Kitty!”

Eclipse smiled, but didn’t say anything.

“What’s her name?”

“Victoria, I believe.”

Emma smiled, “That’s a pretty name.” Then giving Vicci a quick hug, she reluctantly put the cat back down on the bed. Vicci squeaked in protest, she seemed to have taken an instant liking to Emma and did not appreciate being put down. “Um, you wouldn’t happen to know where the nearest bus stop is, would you?”

“Bus stop?”

“Yea. I live in Ultimo, just off of Bulwara Road.” She replied pulling her sneakers on. “Say, where are we anyway?”

Zarius.” Eclipse replied simply. “But I don’t think-”

“Excuse me?”

“We are in The Makai, Princess.”

Emma raised an eyebrow at him. “What the hell does that mean?”

“Let me explain. The Makai is in a different dimension, one that runs parallel to The Human World.” But sudden realization had not dawned on the Princess. In fact, she might have even looked more confused then before. “Think of it like an alternate reality version of Earth. And Zarius, is country, like Australia.”

“Okay…Well you’re obviously crazy.” Emma mumbled under her breath as she turned on heel to leave.

“Princess wait!”


“I’m not crazy.”

“Oh really?” She replied sharply. “Is that why you’re trying so hard to convince me that my life has suddenly become an episode of Yu Yu Hakusho?”

“Let me prove it to you.” Eclipse’s smooth voice, once again took on that tone of supreme confidence.


“I’ll take you to your parents.”

“I told you, my parents are dead. I’m an orphan.”

“Please Princess, at least meet with them.” Eclipse beseeched her. “Talk to them. Then if you still question whether you belong here or not. I promise, I’ll take you home.”

Emma looked at him quietly for a moment. If she had any sense, she would turn around and leave right now. She knew that’s what she should do. But despite herself, Emma was curious. Eclipse seemed so sure of himself. What if he was right and her parents were alive and looking for her? Emma wasn't sure what it was, but there was something about Eclipse that made her feel like she could trust him, made her feel safe around him, even though he sounded crazy. In the end she knew that that feeling was the deciding factor. “All right…”

Anyway, hope you like it!? -hyper- Comments would be greatly appreciated!


xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

I still don't like the second and third paragraphs in the begininng. They don't flow and they're repeatitive.....

-completely_iNsAnE- said...

i didn't notice a whole lot of repition...maybe just a lil' in the 2nd paragragh. otherwise, the story flows really well. the only thing i wanna point out is becareful of how you use "?!" to end certain sentences. i like the way you use it in general converstation, but in writing, it should be used to indicate a person actually questioning with emphasis...ya know what i mean? all in all, this is really great Wifie! keep up the great work!!!<3btw, the title's cute!^^

viccicat said...

You are right there is a little editing needed in the first paragraph or two, I think if you go back and look at the previous bit, you have Eclipse calling Emma princess before he saves her, so if he's not sure she is the pricess before he saves her then that needs fixed. Otherwise the only thing I would change so much would be that as a good rescuer I think that Eclipse would at least move Emma out ofthe street if he was going to leave her unconcious after the near accident. Keep it up hon, it's great!!