Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The HuWhims of Fate?!

Alrite, so my boyfriend and I were talking earlier and together we came up with some new stuff to add to my story, and I have decided to post about it. Cause I'm cool, and vaguely curious as to what you, my devoted fans, will think about my new developments. lol.... So enjoy!

Emma and Eclipse's first kiss?!

I have decided it will take place roughly three months before Kerian declares war on Zarius and The Radic family, not long after Emma starts getting the hang of her powers (I'm thinking of giving him a harsh electrical burn. lol) and starts fighting with some actual technique and such. And that Emma will be the one to initiate said kiss, because Eclipse doesn't have the balls to kiss the Princess first. lol.


We have also decided that everyone should be whipped! And I mean everyone.
Aiden is whipped by Hiroshi
Eclipse is super whipped by Emma
Angel is whipped by Krystal
Sabastian is unbelievably whipped by Tereasa
Blaise and Vlad are both whipped.


I have decided that Xander is straight and that I'm going to give him a girlfriend and that she'll be at Emma's welcome home/Eclipse's promotion party. However, since she is not very important all, she will only be mentioned a few times and probably won't have any lines. I will however give her a name eventually.


I was also pondering the possibility of writing the prequel to the first story and focusing it on Aiden and Kerian's relationship with their father and as brothers. How Aiden and Hiroshi actually met and fell in love and how Hiroshi descovered his biazarre powers. And, of course, what happened to Kerian to make him so messed up. But like I said I was just pondering. I haven't given it enough thought to decide if it's a good idea or not yet. lol

"Betrayal is the Willful Slaughter of Hope?!"

I have decided that that quote will be the title of one of my chapters. Either the one where Kerian beats Sabastian up and then declares war on us or, if I do the prequel, the chapter where Kerian kills his father.


I also thought it fitting that The Makai have it's own unique language. Sort of like Atlantian. (Anyone who has ever seen Atlantis should know exactly what I'm talking about.) Meaning that it will contain roots and diffrent peices of every language out there. Which woul make it pretty easy to understand, but hard to learn. It would also explain my rather odd/random choices of names. I haven't decided whether to change the language every other word or if I should do it phrase by phrase. With phucked up spelling of course. lol. However, if I do decide to do this then my silly language is gonna need a name.


Earlier I was pondering how to explain exactly how Darnell winds up in the Makai, and I think I've got it. I'm going to have him flying, either to or from Classified Island, when he gets caught in a terrible storm and blown off course. Like waaaay the hell off course. And I'ma have his plane short out and go down somewhere in the region of The Burmuda Triangle, which I have decided is a portal to The Makai, and that the void is what causes computer to stop working and radar to go haywire and stuff like that. Haha.

Freaky Twin Thing?!

I have discussed this before, but since no one, and I mean no one commented/or gave me opinions on it before, I'm bringing it up again. Deal with it... Anyway, I was pondering whether or not Angel and Emma should have a special bond. I wouldn't want to go as far as twin telepathy, cause thats lame, but I was thinking maybe they should be able to feel each other's feelings, during times of hightened emotion or perhaps "sense" each other's prescene? I don't know. I just keep picturing my final fight scene. When Emma is being strangled by Kazuo, and Angel comes to her rescue, Emma is not screaming. So I though maybe if Angel sensed that her sister was in danger, instead of just happening to notice that Emma is getting the life choked out of her, that it might be more interesting. lol

Foster Father?!

So, Emma's foster father... He's an ass. But he is her foster father. I was planning on never mentioning or thinking of him again, but now I'm thinking that's alittle unrealistic, don't you think? I mean at the very least she should be somewhat bitter about it. So anyway, I was pondering whether I should have Emma go back at one point, just to see if he's okay and find that he doesn't miss her, or something along thoose lines, or not. I mean it is vaguely pointless. But for some reason I do feel he needs to be mentioned at least once more.

So that's it for nao I guess. I had some other stuff to post about, but I really don't feel like it right nao. So you have to wait. lol. Anyway, comments would be great. Thanks loyal fans!


Celes said...

On sibling telepathy: Perhaps you could utilize faint inter-telepathic abilities within all families? They can be blocked/severed at will.

On foster father: It seems unrealistic to me, quite often, when an adoptive parent shows no love towards their adopted child. Perhaps he does show some sort of regret?

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Yea. And maybe It could just be strongest with Angel and Emma because their twins? lol

Um as far as Emma's foster father, I was commenting more on Emma's thoughts toward him, not the other way around. lol Anyway, he wasn't always like this. He became cold and distant after his wife died. Which is why I was thinking i should mention him again. To at least explain what happened to him, instead of never speaking of him again, like I had originally planned. lol

viccicat said...

Okayz here it goes!!! Lots to sez to you!! I like the idea of splaining more in deptht the past, this you could manage with either a prequel or a prologue, which is more of a summation of the past, rather than the whole past in full book detail, if you choose to do as a prelogue then I also would suggest a glossary of terms, including breif descriptions of unique terms, and names of people and places, such as the many short charri descriptions you've done could be in there. Like the chapter title as well, could use either place. Bermuda triangle set up for Darnell's appearance also working for me, Gives nice tie in, is Darnell Black Ops? I can't remember but if he were a member of a shadow team like that then his acceptance by and entrance into the Rokouro would make a great deal of sense.

I's like the freaky twin thing, as I have said before. I think that it works especially for Angel/Emma I don't like telepathy for all families, I think it should be rare and eerie to others. I think that after Emma finds her place in Demon world and feels accepted and part of a family, remembering her foster mother who's gone and her foster father is cool. You can use it to show how she's matured, and now that she understands what the freaky twin feelings were that she experienced in human world and how they made her feel out of place and out of sorts with the stepfather and her peers, she could forgive some of the bad feelings she'd kept and maybe she could go back or send a letter through or somehow visit and have a short exchange with the step. I think you could use it, even if all she does is realize it for herself.