Monday, June 10, 2013

Why Does It Smell Like Wet Zeffron in Here?

Okay, so for my final battle we have Kiara and Andromina of Rayet, Marik of Atheria and Vish Itori of Myritrius fighting with us. I'm gonna refer to them as generals even though they're Kings and what not. So anyway, I was thinking that maybe I don't have enough death and destruction on the good guy's team. I mean, we're fighting a bloody war here both sides should have casualties. I mean Emma and Aiden do die temporarily and Blaise sustains a deadly serious wound and gets poisoned, Hiroshi breaks an arm and a leg, Olaf dies. But is that enough carnage on team good guy? I don't know. That's why I'm wondering if perhaps I should kill off one of my generals.

I was gonna say that it would have to be Vish or Marik but now I'm thinking that I could probably get away with killing off Kiara since Andromina has been properly schooled and is more or less ready to take over at any time, although they weren't planning it. So, question two, if I do kill one of them, which one should it be?

Last question revolving around death and destruction for team good guys. What about Rorak? I can't remember if I talked about his fate or not, but he is my Captian of the guard and I don't know if I should let him live through the battle or kill him off. Now with Rorak it's tricky because if he doesn't die at the end of this book, then I'm gonna maim him and he'll die at the beginning of the next one. So I guess with him it's all a matter of timing.

So there's my problem of the day Loves. Have at it. I'm gonna go throw up now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um, i don't really have an opinion on that, though, i do have something? what you could do is after the fight is like list some of the people.

like having a giant funeral type thing, with it like divided by countries. and you could have emma talking to the king or near by and the king offering to help the country while they get a new rule up and running or something.

i say that so your not adding more detail then needed during the fights, not getting off topic, and not longer then needed. you have said that you keeping adding thing that arent needed, and i feel a fight scene like that isnt necessary.